NOTE: This event involves participation at home with a smartphone and another device that can connect to the internet. SciVR will take you on the hunt for things that go boom. We’ll explore the universe and origins of explosions in space, tracking events as they happen with Alan Duffy and Rebecca Allen. You get stickers…
Archives: Events
Display of Science Books and Items From Hobart library
Come and borrow from the wonderful display of science-related items. Pick up a free booklet to see what’s happening during National Science Week. #LibrariesTas #HobartLibrary
Hope Vale interactive Periodic Table display unveiling
The Hope Vale Periodic Table display supports the Science program Years 4-6 Chemistry Unit that is part of the Class domain of the 6C Education Model developed by Good to Great Schools Australia. The cabinet is a replica of the periodic table standing 2.4 metres long, 1.7 metres high with each element represented by a…
Lake Mac STEAM Week – 2020 Digital Edition
While we can’t run our full STEAM Week program this year you can check out some fun and educational science, technology, engineering, ART and maths content via YouTube.
Exploring Gravitational Wave Observatories in Minecraft
The University of Adelaide OzGrav node will be hosting an online virtual tour of one of the most sensitive instruments humanity has made, the LIGO detector. LIGO is an experiment based in the USA designed to detect gravitational waves from colliding black holes and neutron stars throughout the universe. We have assembled a scale replica…
Rock Detectives
Rock Detectives is a series of videos aimed at primary-aged kids about some of the amazing rocks that can be found around Sydney and beyond. There are also teacher resources and additional activities for students in Kindergarten to Year 6, as well as options for easily accessible excursions around Sydney. The rocks around Sydney have…
The Four Friends of Fire – a science animation
In much of Australia, bushfires are a part of life. But with major fires in recent seasons, including one of the worst ever in 2019/20, many are asking whether fire patterns are changing and what role climate change might be playing. There has never been a greater need for communities to understand the fundamentals of…
Atoms and Stardust
What are we made of? And where did it all come from? Everyone with an interest in the very small, the very large and the history of our universe is invited to enjoy this presentation by Atomic School through the generous support of the National Space Centre. After a primer on the basics of atomic theory,…
Online Science Olympiad
We are organising an Online Science Olympiad for students from Years 2 – 9. The quiz will include questions from a variety of scientific field to assess as well as motivate students to get involved and develop a scientific acumen in the younger generation. Each student will be given an appreciation certificate.
BSSA Bakyard Biodiversity
The Biology Society of South Australia (BSSA) are producing a series of short educational videos on how local South Australians can promote backyard biodiversity through citizen science initiatives. The four videos cover the importance of microhabitat for native geckos & skinks, the value of planting native vegetation, how best to promote native bees (and pollination), and how…