A Voice to the Stars: Defining Humanity for a New Generation

Since time immemorial, humans have looked up and asked a simple question – ‘are we alone?’ In 1974, the Arecibo Observatory sent out a radio message to the final frontier, crafted by a team of experts – a calling card to those of the great beyond. In 2018, the call sounded again, with schools and…

Satellite Selfie-Jingili Primary School

During National Science Week, a MAXAR high-resolution satellite will be taking images of the NT. This satellite will be passing over Darwin. Jingili Primary School will be joining this giant space art event over the Northern Territory. On 17 August, the NT will become a big canvas that can be seen from space.

Satellite Selfie- Katherine High

During National Science Week, a MAXAR high-resolution satellite will be taking images of the NT. This satellite will be passing over Katherine. Katherine High will be joining this giant space art event over the Northern Territory. On 17 August, the NT will become a big canvas that can be seen from space

Demystifying STEM for Remote WA

The main objective of this activity is to demystify STEM to community members over the age of 12 years.  A secondary objective is to promote how rural and remote community members can embark on careers in the STEM area, including demonstrating the diversity of the jobs that use STEM. The launch of a YouTube channel…

Ballarat Libraries – Kinetic Connection

In collaboration with National Science Week Regional Champions (Museums Victoria, Science Works, Public Libraries Victoria and Royal Society Victoria), Ballarat Libraries will invite the community to participate in a chain reaction challenge by creating and submitting a 10 second video of a chain reaction that will contribute to a compilation video. The video will be…

Walking with Scientists VR

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a field scientist? At ARI, our researchers get up to all kinds of amazing fieldwork all over Victoria, sometimes in remote places and with rare species. Fieldwork is a critical part of how we learn about our environment and the backbone of our science, and we…

Questacon and Shell Science Circus Virtual Tour of Western NSW

For the duration of Science Week Questacon and the Shell Science Circus will be virtually dropping into schools in New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia to investigate the physics of flight. Aimed at Primary school to early high school, the one hour workshop includes a look at what parts of an aeroplane help it…

Questacon Virtual Excursions

Why risk travel when Questacon can come to your school? We are running live one hour workshops for school students from Kindergarten all the way through to Year 12. Students will, with the assistance of our wonderful facilitators explore the ocean, get to grips with the physics of paper planes or learn about the beginnings…

Scienceworks presents Science Variety Show (BOOKED OUT)

Due to popular demand, this event is now booked out. Please stay up to date via Museums Victoria’s social media channels and e-news for the latest updates.   Join the Scienceworks crew online for an interactive exploration of perception. Tue 18 Aug | Free | 5.00–5.45pm or 7.30–8.15pm The Scienceworks crew are coming to you…

Innovation at Sea – Reefs

Covering less than 1% of the planets, how important to our survival could reefs actually be?  This answer will amaze you. …without our reefs, humanity will not survive. When did we discover that our reefs were in crisis, and what research has taken place to resolve our impact? This episode will focus on the innovations…