Pathology Live! for School Groups

Take a live video tour of the Museum of Human Disease with Pathology Live! This livestreaming experience will beam our collection of 1500 human tissue specimens straight to your classroom as our pathology academics and museum education officers take you and your students on a guided tour of the body and how different diseases attack…

Prehistoric Bake Off

Dust off your apron and get your whisk at the ready. To celebrate National Science Week, the University of Adelaide Palaeontologists are hosting their first ever, virtual bake off. This online event will blend two fields of science – the chemistry of baking and palaeontology – into one tasty morsel, all whilst giving entrants the…

How to be a Star Citizen in Space

People are rocketing out into the unknown, talking about colonising Mars, populating the Low Earth Orbit with shiny satellites, and relying more than ever before on data beamed up and back down. Ideas that were once thought purely science fiction are no longer considered unrealistic dreams. This new frontier sparks ethical questions about what our…

In Conversation with author, James Bradley

Public Libraries NSW and City of Parramatta Libraries presents Amy Heap chatting with James Bradley as he talks about his new book ‘Ghost Species. The talk takes place online from 6:30pm to 7:30pm AEST  This free online author talk will be presented via Zoom with a Q &A session at the end. Copies of the…

Pathology Live!

Take a live video tour of the Museum of Human Disease with Pathology Live! This livestreaming experience will beam our collection of 1500 human tissue specimens straight to your device as our pathology academics and museum education officers take you on a guided tour of the body and how different diseases attack us. We’ll be…


Babylab is a webinar for early childhood language and communication development by MARCS Institute at WSU. Their new communication checklist for Australian kids under three asks parents to select which words their child says or understands. Ever wondered how your child’s language development is going, but didn’t know where to look?  Watching this 30-minute webinar…

Mid-afternoon Masterclass: Communicating about science

In this mid-afternoon masterclass, Jen will give you some insight into how you can become a better public speaker. She’ll share a few questions you need to ask yourself before giving a talk, some ideas for how to begin your talk and tips on how to become a more confident speaker. Find more great Science Festival events….

Blink of Eye – AR Workshop

Due to COVID-19, most people are required to stay home with travel bans and restrictions. As an IT student, my team and I would like to share our knowledge and teach people how “augment their lives”. National Science Week will be online this year, so we would like to teach people how to create simple…

EP Science Championships 2020

The EP Science Championships (EPSC) are a free event to celebrate students of all year levels and varying strengths, and the extensive range of EP Science content. Students can be enrolled for EP Science for free and take part in the Championships, even if they don’t currently subscribe to EP Science. Students complete any Science…

Mid-Afternoon Masterclass: Cloning the Thylacine

Join Professor Andrew Pask in this exciting short lecture as he describes the process of sequencing the extinct Thylacine (Tasmanian Tiger) genome. Andrew will describe what we can learn by looking at the genomes of extinct native animals and the increasingly real potential for species de-extinction (bringing extinct animals back to life!). Learn what makes…