Canberra produces some superb scientists who end up having amazing adventures in the science world. In this series of online chats you will meet women who have gone to all kinds of places around the world. Session 1: 9 AM Saturday 15 August, featuring: Gravitational wave theoretical physicist Professor Susan Scott, FAA (LIGO, US) Antarctic…
Archives: Events
National Science Week Special Storytimes
City of Darwin Libraries’ regular storytimes will be followed by fun activities and experiments. The hands-on activities will allow children to learn by discovering at their own speed. Casuarina Library – 10 am Monday 17 August Nightcliff Library – 10am Tuesday 18 August City Library – 10am Wednesday 19 August Karama Library – 10am Thursday…
WISE (Women in Science and Engineering) 2020 Networking Night
Running since 2015, the annual WISE Networking Night is an exclusive opportunity for students to network with sponsors, industry representatives, and academics, as well as fellow peers within and outside your discipline. This year’s Networking Night will be a special ’10 Years with WISE’ edition, where we will be celebrating the past ten years of…
National Science Week at Harvest Home Primary School
To celebrate the theme of Deep Blue we have designed a two week challenge for students and family members to complete across remote learning and adhering to COVID-19 restrictions.
HERE Mapping Competition – Build an interactive map and win prizes
Digital maps are a useful tool to show the location of things, convey important messages to your audience and share a story with them. HERE Technologies is inviting you to join its mapping competition and build an online interactive map for a chance to win great prizes. Your map can be about anything… it can…
Super STEM Careers Q&A
Are you a high school student who wants to design, build or discover new things? Do you want to solve the challenges of the future? Want to know what a STEM career really looks like, and how to get there? Join us on Wednesday 4-5pm AEST for a FREE live streamed interactive Q&A to get…
Meet the Scientists – Sign Me Up! (Bunbury)
The West Australian Foundation for Deaf Children’s Meet The Scientists – Sign Me up! Auslan interpreted event aims to engage deaf and hard of hearing children aged 6 – 12 years and their siblings and peers with science, providing them with exposure to science as a career pathway, building confidence in scientific concepts and inspiring them…
Meet the Scientists – Sign Me Up! (Perth)
The West Australian for Deaf Children’s Meet The Scientists – Sign Me up! Auslan interpreted event aims to engage deaf and hard of hearing children aged 6 – 12 years and their siblings and peers with science, providing them with exposure to science as a career pathway, building confidence in scientific concepts and inspiring them through…
13th Canberra Cub Scout Group Science Celebration
The 13th Canberra Cub Scout Group will get the jump on National Science Week and spend the evening solving problems of the science kind.
STEM Alive for Kids
The Peter Underwood Centre is delivering 5 STEM based broadcasts during National Science Week. The broadcasts are tailored to suit children from Years 3 through to 6 however children and adults of all ages will find things of interest in these presentations. Broadcasts will be via Zoom Webinar. As a precaution and ensuring a safe,…