Seed Science

Come along to this fun session and learn about how seeds grow. You’ll get your very own seeds to take home and look after. Suitable for ages 6 – 10. Free event but booking is essential.

Seed Science

Come along to this fun session and learn about how seeds grow. You’ll get your very own seeds to take home and look after. Suitable for ages 6 – 10. Free event but booking is essential.

Is your soil teeming with microbes?

Healthy soil is the foundation to growing healthy food, and a healthy environment. What makes healthy soil? Come and learn about the soil food web and how you can easily build soil health using naturally occurring microbes. You’ll even get to see them at work. Free event but booking is essential. Presenter: Earthwhile Australia

Science and history of TV in WA

Two of the most common objects found in the home today are the television set and the computer/smartphone/tablet screen. This presentation by TV veterans from Pictures in Motion takes a look at the science behind their use for entertainment in the home. The talk will cover the history of the science, as used in Western…

Do you compute?

Calling all kids aged 8+ (and their parents). Ever wonder how computer games were invented? Once upon a time, there was no such thing as a smart phone, no internet, no Minecraft. Computers were the size of houses. Programmers used light bulbs and wires, not Scratch or Join children’s author Cristy Burne to hear…

The Biggest Science Experiement

The Biggest Science Experiment (BSE) is a community-based science project created to bring people together to think, talk and get involved in doing science and become a more science savvy community. The pandemic brought many challenges to the project one of them being unable to have a live Expo. But we have persevered and have decided…

Sun Health with Dr Shelley Gorman

Wanneroo Libraries is excited to present Dr. Shelley Gorman, the leader of one of the world’s cutting edge scientific teams investigating Sun health, from the Telethon Kids Institute. Shelley is an expert on how sunlight and affects our health, from inflammation to immunity. She is discovering ways in which sunlight could be used to treat…

Beyond Instagram – Engaging citizens in science

Have you wondered if you could share your beautiful wildlife photos to help understand the environment? You certainly can. You can share your great photos of biodiversity beyond Instagram and help lots of citizen science programs around the world. From conservation to public health, from local to global importance, you can make scientific contributions by…

Research for Impact?

This event will be serious and fun based on a theoretical scenario to give researchers an overview of the different paths to impact. Professor Katharina Gaus, a researcher at UNSW Sydney, will introduce a newly developed hypothetical diagnostic test for infectious diseases. Five experts from various backgrounds (academic research, scientific journal, investment, start-ups and entrepreneurship,…

Canberra Science Treasure Hunt

Explore Canberra’s historic and modern connections with Canberra treasure hunt. You and your team will solve riddles that will take you to different suburbs in Canberra, uncovering hidden historic sites, contemporary art, and colourful local characters. Join the hunt and discover the city’s hidden gems.