Satellite Selfie – Manyallaluk School

During National Science Week, a MAXAR high-resolution satellite will be taking images of the NT. This satellite will be passing over Manyallaluk. The Manyallaluk School will join many other NT remote schools to write a giant “SCIENCE WEEK NT 2020” over the Northern Territory. On 17 August, the NT will become a big canvas that can…

Satellite Selfie – Barunga School

During National Science Week, a MAXAR high-resolution satellite will be taking images of the NT. This satellite will be passing over Barunga. The Burunga School will join many other NT remote schools to write a giant “SCIENCE WEEK NT 2020” over the Northern Territory. On 17 August, the NT will become a big canvas that…

Satellite Selfie – Ramingining School

During National Science Week, a MAXAR high-resolution satellite will be taking images of the NT. This satellite will be passing over Ramingining. The Ramingining School will join many other NT remote schools to write a giant “SCIENCE WEEK NT 2020” over the Northern Territory. On 17 August, the NT will become a big canvas that can…

Satellite Selfie – Ngukurr School

During National Science Week, a MAXAR high-resolution satellite will be taking images of the NT. This satellite will be passing over Ngukurr. The Ngukurr School will join many other NT remote schools to write a giant “SCIENCE WEEK NT 2020” over the Northern Territory. On 18 August, the NT will become a big canvas that…

Gumnut Explorer session (ages 2-5) ‘The Leaves are Falling’

National Science Week Gumnut Explorer session ‘The Leaves are Falling’, with Bush to Beach Nature-Based Programs. Experience play the natural way with your child (2-5 years) at a Gumnut Explorer session during Science Week! The session will be held in the beautiful bushland at Knuckey Lagoon Recreation Reserve, Darwin, NT! Gumnut Explorer sessions are for…

Junior Keeper Experience

Get involved in National Science Week by discovering the science behind animal care right in the heart of where it all takes place. Join us on Saturday 29 or Sunday 30 August for a taste of what is involved in working behind the scenes at Wing’s Wildlife Park – home to the largest collection of…

Discovering the Frogs of Whittlesea in Nearby Nature

Celebrate National Science Week by joining this froggy adventure from the safety of your home or classroom. There are around eight different species of frogs found in the City of Whittlesea, including Eastern Froglets, Marsh Frogs and Banjo Frogs. Learn to recognise their frog calls using the Melbourne Water frog census app. We will show…

Cosmic Nomad – Book Reading + Q&A Livestream (Multiple Events)

Join comedian, astronaut candidate and general troublemaker Josh Richards in a special National Science Week event to celebrate the upcoming release of his new book “Cosmic Nomad” on 17 September. Josh will be reading sections of “Cosmic Nomad” during a live Q&A about his experiences as a Mars One candidate, as well as giving away…

Canberra Women of Science and Art (Teen focused webinar)

Meet a diverse group of amazing Canberran women working in or inspired by science, tech, engineering, art and maths (STEAM). These interesting people are anything but ‘boring scientists’ or ‘wacky artists’. Their career paths have not been straight lines. Some of them didn’t do well in subjects at school (and that’s been fine). They have…

Canberra Women of Science and Art (Family focused webinar)

Meet a diverse group of amazing Canberran women working in or inspired by science, tech, engineering, art and maths (STEAM). These interesting people are anything but ‘boring scientists’ or ‘wacky artists’. They have written books; invented a robot; created new technology to tell ancient, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stories; taught children how to investigate and…