Sapphire Coast Science Festival Overview

Wanting to find out more about what activities are on offer? Check into our Zoom session (you will need an account) to find out what’s happening and how you can access it. This could be the ideal time to check out whether you can get Zoom to work for other sessions in the Festival. Register…

Location Information, Mapping and Their Future

We use location information every day (when we locate ourselves on maps or look for the fastest route between home and school/work). There are many other examples out there, but have you ever thought how it’s all possible? how location data is collected, put together into maps and these services? This online workshop is brought to…

3D Printing Workshops for New Inventors – Live Video Stream

The aim of our in person and online workshops will be to introduce 3D printing into the wider community in the Shire of Manjimup, allowing people of all ages and backgrounds to access a critical technology shaping the future, one that is especially important for people wanting to design new solutions for the unique challenges…

3D Printing Workshops for New Inventors – In Person

The aim of our in person and online workshops will be to introduce 3D printing into the wider community in the Shire of Manjimup, allowing people of all ages and backgrounds to access a critical technology shaping the future, one that is especially important for people wanting to design new solutions for the unique challenges…

The Deep Blue: On My Doorstep

Hosted by Associate Professor Tracy Ainsworth, a coral biologist from UNSW Sydney, this new series of 12 podcasts for National Science Week will focus of research being undertaken in Australia by leading marine experts, talking about the marine places on their doorsteps that have inspired them and how their love of these places has influenced…

Exploring and Mapping our Living World With the Atlas of Life and NatureMapr

The Atlas of Life in the Coastal Wilderness is an ongoing citizen-science project. It was originally the initiative of a small group of dedicated people who, in 2011, recognised the biological importance of the far south coastal region of NSW. They sought to encourage the documentation of the area’s biodiversity, building a community-based resource and network of…

What Shapes Biodiversity? with Associate Professor Ceridwen Fraser

On World Environment Day, 5 June 2020 Bournda Environmental Education Centre (BEEC), in association with the Sapphire Coast Regional Science Hub Sustainability Education Network (SCRSHSEN), was fortunate to have a guest lecture from Associate Professor Ceridwen “Crid” Fraser from the University of Otago. The lecture was part of our series of community science engagement events supported…

Fresh From the Field – Bat colonies

Find out what a real live scientist does when out in the field. Many parasites that make people sick can sometimes come from wildlife sharing our cities and make their way to people through the environment or contaminated food. Equally the parasites we carry can be spread to wildlife via environmental contamination. Join Dr Michelle…

SciFest Live From the Paddock: What the worm is wrong with these sheep

Dr Sarah Preston has been called out to a property, where the farmer is having problems with his sheep. Despite the lush green pasture, the sheep just aren’t putting on any weight. Join her as she shows you how simple and easy it is to check for parasitic worms by doing an experiment on the…

Ending Overfishing: Virtual Classroom with Marine Scientists

What is a fish? What does the marine food web look like? And what is the impact of overfishing on the ocean ecosystem? In this virtual lesson to celebrate National Science Week students will learn about fish adaptations, the marine food web, and why Ending Overfishing is essential for the future of our big blue…