The FSCB are often found in habitats like Panboola, carefully observing the birds they love. FSCB and Panboola will post each day across National Science Week discussing the impacts of climate change upon some of the birds found at Panboola. Visit the FSCB Facebook page to find clues for the Science Week Scavenger Hunt. This…
Archives: Events
Virtual Tour of NCI Australia and the Gadi Supercomputer
NCI Australia is home to Gadi, Australia’s fastest research supercomputer. Ranked 24th fastest in the world, Gadi is a massive cluster of computers and data storage infrastructure that is aiding Australian researchers across the scientific spectrum. As you read this sentence, Gadi is helping Australian scientists develop cutting-edge treatments and vaccines, including those for COVID-19….
A Tour of the Sourdough Library with Karl De Smedt
Meet Sourdough Librarian Karl De Smedt as he tells us the unique story behind the Sourdough Library and its many unique starter cultures. Please make sure you register and get your FREE tickets at our eventbrite page using the link below.
DIY Lactofermentation Workshop with Dr Erin McKenney
Join us on this DIY online workshop and ferment your favorite veggies, from your own kitchen. This National Science Week, Dr Erin McKenney will take us on a journey of the brief history and the science behind lactic acid fermentation, while helping you set up your own ferments. Please make sure your register and get…
The Sea and Me Exhibition Opening Night
An opening night will be held for our ‘The Sea and Me’ competition. Winning entries will be announced and prizes awarded. 5:30pm Friday 21 August. Nibbles and a glass of sparkling wine provided. Limited tickets available. Book now through the Hopetoun CRC by phone 08 9838 3062 or via email.
Baking Art Workshop with Morgan Clemenston
Join us for a Workshop on Baking art and learn how to turn your sourdough into a canvas with expert baker Morgan Clemenston Please make sure you register and get your FREE tickets at our eventbrite page using the link below. About the speaker: Morgan is a passionate Australian born Baker who has spent the…
Start it Off- a public science experiment
Ever wanted to make a sourdough starter? And contribute to a public science experiment? This National Science Week, we have teamed up with the awesome scientists at The Public Science Lab in North Carolina State University to bring you the ‘Start it Off’ event. The aim is to make a sourdough starter and contribute data…
Immersive Science IV (SciVR): Science Champions (Kondinin families)
SciVR will take you on the hunt for things that go boom. We’ll explore the universe and origins of explosions in space, tracking events as they happen with Alan Duffy and Rebecca Allen with live Q&A. You get stickers and a mini VR headset to clip onto your phone, and take away with you after the…
BLUE Screening
Full screening of the movie Blue on behalf of the Australian Marine Conservation Society. Blue is a marine conservation film about the hidden crisis lapping on our shores. Supper provided.
Coastal Walk
A one hour coastal walk and presentation by local Environmental Scientist’s, Sarah Cosgrove and Jack Guthrie. This is for all ages who have an interest in learning about coastal habitats, their values, current threats and ways to ensure their protection. AIM: Learn about coastal habitats, their values, current threats and ways to ensure their protection….