Using Your Senses to Identify Native Plants – Science Week @ CDU

Botanists use various techniques to assign plants to families and then to species. In addition to the usual taxonomic features such as floral structures, the texture of leaves, arrangement of veins, smell of leaves and flowers, and the overall appearance of the plant can provide useful hints. This workshop will investigate a selection of native…

Know More About Nuclear – Science Week @ CDU

When you think of nuclear radiation what words come to your mind? Bombs? Waste? Chernobyl? 5G? The truth is we’re surrounded by radiation all the time; we live our whole lives being exposed to it. Australia has whole industries devoted to the scientific application of nuclear radiation for economic, medical and research benefits. A more…

Shoot for the Stars: Rocket building workshop – Science Week @ CDU

If it wasn’t for chemical reactions astronauts wouldn’t be able to escape Earth’s gravity and get to the International Space Station. Make your own model rocket (with a real explosive chemical black powder engine) and experience a bit of gravity defying rocketry. This fun chemical STEM experience is sure to be a blast. You get…

Science Week at John Therry Catholic High School

This year for National Science Week, John Therry Catholic College will be undertaking a science escape room through STILE.  The escape room is in line with the Deep Blue theme for 2020. Students are also invited to take part in a paper plane completion. The final activity is a table of science games that students…

Girl Power Robotics Program

Our world is increasingly digital and now more than ever, we need our girls to be part of it. Their skills and ideas are unique. Inspire your Little Genius in robotics with this special program targeted to girls learning styles. Edison robots empower kids to become not just coders, but inventors, problem solvers and creative…

Chevron Focus Environment Competition (WA schools only)

Share in almost $25,000 of cash prizes Grab a camera, get outdoors and start photographing WA’s biodiversity – it could be as simple as some spring wildflowers or a neighbourhood magpie! Include a short caption with your photo and submit it all online. How to enter DISCOVER: Find out about WA’s unique species, the threats…

That’s classified (FOR TEACHERS – WA schools only)

Taxonomy – the science of sorting species Use WA native species to explore scientific classification with your students. More than just grouping like with like, taxonomy is a standardised system which helps organise Earth’s diverse species. Explore the observable features and lifecycles of native WA plants and animals, while discovering how classification allows scientists to…

Virtual Science Snipets – Baking Soda and Vinegar Volcano

To Celebrate National Science Week East Gippsland Shire Library will be posting a short science demonstration that can be easily replicated at home. In today’s demonstration, Jane is going to show you how to use baking soda and vinegar to create an awesome chemical reaction. Videos will be posted at 4.00pm daily during the week…

Virtual Science Snipets – Light Refraction Experiment

To Celebrate National Science Week East Gippsland Shire Library will be posting a short science demonstration that can be easily replicated at home. In today’s demonstration, Kylie is demonstrating a simple, yet very impressive light refraction experiment. Videos will be posted at 4.00pm daily during the week on East Gippsland Shire Council’s Facebook page and on…