Brain Break – Newman College

We’re hosting a Brain Break morning tea with scrumptious morsels of science goodness to celebrate science achievement and endeavour. We’ll be getting together to share fun science quizzes, activities and demonstrations over our cuppa. This morning tea is just for us, but you can register to host one for FREE in your own workplace.

ACT Crystal Growing Competition

Do you want to have fun with science? Then enter the RACI’s ACT Crystal Growing Competition and learn all about growing beautiful crystals. The aim is to grow the best possible crystal of potash alum or another substance over a period of 6 weeks during Terms 2 and 3, closing on Friday 07 August. Winners will…

Solar Cell Challenge

Presented by the ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science,  the Solar Cell Challenge gets students involved in hands-on science as they are challenged to convert light into electricity and construct their very own solar cell from their classrooms (that’s right- you can’t go and buy a solar panel for this challenge!) Category Level 1-…

Science Exchange Series – First Impressions and Why They Matter

Don’t judge a book by its cover. Appearances can be deceiving. Despite these warnings, evidence shows that people can’t help but make rapid judgements of character based on a mere glimpse of a stranger’s face. These impressions really matter because they predict all sorts of social outcomes. For instance, children who look attractive are assumed…

Brain Break – Gawler & District College B-12

We’re hosting a Brain Break morning tea with scrumptious morsels of science goodness to celebrate science achievement and endeavour. We’ll be getting together to share fun science quizzes, activities and demonstrations over our cuppa. This morning tea is just for us, but you can register to host one for FREE in your own workplace.

Brain Break – Gin Gin State High School

We’re hosting a Brain Break morning tea with scrumptious morsels of science goodness to celebrate science achievement and endeavour. We’ll be getting together to share fun science quizzes, activities and demonstrations over our cuppa. This morning tea is just for us, but you can register to host one for FREE in your own workplace.

Brain Break – St Mary’s Catholic College, Casino

We’re hosting a Brain Break morning tea with scrumptious morsels of science goodness to celebrate science achievement and endeavour. We’ll be getting together to share fun science quizzes, activities and demonstrations over our cuppa. This morning tea is just for us, but you can register to host one for FREE in your own workplace.

Brain Break – Aspendale Gardens Primary School

We’re hosting a Brain Break morning tea with scrumptious morsels of science goodness to celebrate science achievement and endeavour. We’ll be getting together to share fun science quizzes, activities and demonstrations over our cuppa. This morning tea is just for us, but you can register to host one for FREE in your own workplace.