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Phenomenal Flight

  • - (AEST)
  • Parafield Gardens Primary School
    23 Shepherdson Road, Parafield Gardens SA 5107, Australia

Objective: design or adapt an animal species where flight might help the extinct or endangered animal to thrive and survive in our ever-changing world.

Research and Observation:

Students will study various animals, focusing on their anatomy, flight mechanics, and environmental status (endangered/extinct). Students will observe and sketch animals in our local environment, noting habitat, flight patterns and physical characteristics.

      Design and Creation

Species design: Based on research, students will design or adapt an animal to be able to mimic the flight characteristics of a chosen flying species.

Innovative Tools: Students are encouraged to utilise virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), 3D printing, coding and other websites to bring their designs to life. However, prototypes can be physical models as well as hand drawn diagrams and sketches.

Collaboration, Judging and Expertise: Students from PGHS will provide guidance via face to face and online sessions, offering insights into flight mechanics, animal adaptations and engineering principles. 

Representatives from the RSPCA will conduct incursions across all year levels to discuss the threats facing animals in our local area, fostering a deeper understanding of conservation efforts.

Physics students from PGHS will also form part of the judging panel during Science Week, evaluating the projects based on creativity, scientific accuracy, and innovation.
