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Physics in the Pub

  • - (AEST)
  • Abercrombie Hotel
    100 Broadway, Chipenndale NSW 2008, Australia

Wormholes, Multiverses and Magical Music: Physics in the Pub

Local physicists and astronomers are coming to the pub - join them to hear all about building the tiniest nano-things, up to exploring this huge universe (and the parallel ones too).

There’ll be magic, there’ll be superpowers, but no cosmetologists as this amazing line up explores the astonishing world that is physics research.

Get there early to grab a drink and a feed, so you can settle in for a mind-blowing and rib-tickling evening. MC Dr Phil Dooley will keep the evening moving along - easy on the long words and equations- long on entertainment.

Thanks to our generous sponsors: 

  • FLEET (ARC Centre of Excellence in Future Low-Energy Electronics Technologies) 
  • EQUS (ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems)