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Ribbit Retreat – Frog Pond Design and Build

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  • - (AEST)
  • St Andrew's Anglican College
    40 Peregian Springs Drive, Peregian Springs QLD 4573, Australia
Our first ever Science Ambassadors are running a fun Citizen Science competition on the lead up to Nation Science Week. The best entry will build their small pond design to ensure the survival of our beloved and endangered Wallum Sedge frog. Our school could not extend its buildings as it would extend on to rare habitat for the sedge frog. Following up on this our Year 7 students investigated the impact of changing abiotic and biotic factors on our famous and historical frog population. They discovered that the water body behind our school is severely polluted and not the correct pH for our frogs to thrive. So, students are designing ponds to help the frogs! Prep to Year 12 students will be invited to complete their own scientific research and submit their frog pond proposals. Students will work in teams and pitch their design. The winning design will be funded by a ASTA grant to build their pond over National Science Week! This is a whole community event with parents, neighbours, teachers and students working collaboratively to ensure the perfect habitat for our frog to survive for future generations to enjoy.