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Science and Action for Species Survival

  • - (AEST)
  • Sir Stanley Burbury Theatre, UTAS Sandy Bay Campus
    Churchill Ave, Hobart TAS 7005, Sandy Bay TAS 7005, Australia

To celebrate National Science Week, join Bob Brown and a panel of inspiring speakers for an evening of talks and films as we explore the critical role of science and taking action to protect threatened species. 

Citizen science data was pivotal to stopping the logging of an area of Swift Parrot habitat in Southern Tasmania earlier this year. Come along to hear more about this win and other stories from the scientific efforts underpinning our frontline campaigns to defend threatened species in the forests and oceans. 

 Speakers include:

 🌿 Bob Brown 

🌿 Dr Phil Zylstra — Environmental Scientist focused on the connections between ecosystems and disturbance by fire

🌿 Dr Matt Webb — Conservation Scientist and Swift Parrot expert

 🌿 Jenny Weber  — Bob Brown Foundation Campaign Manager

 🌿 Dr Charley Gros — Bob Brown Foundation Science Coordinator

🌿 Dr Nick Fitzgerald — Ecologist


Places are limited. Register now to secure your spot to celebrate science, get inspired, and support our Action for Earth to ensure species’ survival.

