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Science in the Pub 2024: Quantum, AI and more

  • - (AEST)
  • Brisbane Brewing Co.
    601 Stanley Street, Woolloongabba QLD 4102, Australia

Ever wondered what interesting things happen in the iconic Ecosciences Precinct in Dutton Park?

Come and join us for a Pint of Science to celebrate National Science Week, and listen to just three of the many scientists from government agencies based at the Ecosciences Precinct at Dutton Park: CSIRO, the Department of Environment and Science, and the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.

XXXX, a Dept of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry scientist, will talk about the xxxxx

Hear from XXXX, xx scientist (CSIRO) about xxx

How can you tell xxxxx? A Dept of Environment, Science and Innovation will talk us through what she and colleagues have been monitoring and studying for years to give us the answers.

Bookings required. Tickets available online.

Location Information

Getting there: There is limited parking nearby, but close to the Mater Hill, and Woolloongabba Bus Ways. Meeting room: Follow the sign to the room where event will be held, or ask the staff. Food available from the counter. Check out their menu online: