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Sea life Sorting and Classification Activity

  • - (AEST)
  • Leslie Moorhead Pre School
    32 Hampden Street, Mornington VIC 3931, Australia

Discussions occurred regarding what a habitat is and the various sea creatures we find in our local area. The children sorted which animals live on the land and in the sea, and which live on the land and in the sea. the children had to select and name their sea creatures and place them in the correct habitat. Once all the animals were sorted, we then discussed if they were placed in the correct habitat. Children had the opportunity to move animals from one habitat into another, once the animals were placed in their correct habitat, we observed their characteristics and noted which characteristics were similar and which were different. After this activity the sea creatures were placed in the water tub in the sand pit where the children independently played with the figures, sorting them and building their habitats for the animals.
