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Species Survival Workshops

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  • - (AEST)
  • Holy Innocents' Catholic Primary School Croydon
    86-98 Queen Street, Croydon NSW 2132, Australia

Students will take part in a workshop related to the schools theme of Species Survival - More than just sustainability!

Each Stage will explore a different topic from Photosynthesis, Clean Water, Ecosystems and Native Australia. A team led by the school's Curriculum and Enrichment Coordinator and specialist teacher with a background in science will deliver each workshop. These workshops are designed with follow up lessons.

Parent volunteers are invited to attend.

Kindergarten Workshop: Photosynthesis
Students create grass heads to observe the process of photosynthesis and develop their own hypothesis about what may impact the growth of the grass.

Stage 1 Workshop: Clean Water
Students use a variety of engineering resources to develop and critique processes to clean up a simulated oil spill.

Stage 2 Workshop: Ecosystems
Students design a mini ecosystem in a jar to observe plant growth. Students take process shots over weeks to observe changes. Students record any insect movement as well as observe the water cycle in action.

Stage 3 Workshop: Ecosystems and Native Australia
Students take an excursion to a local park that has indigenous plants to encourage native birds and insects. They will collect data, then plan a hypothetical natural space for our school that will encourage native birds and insects.
