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Sustainable Futures: Integrating Tradition and Modern Science in the Torres Strait

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  • - (AEST)
  • Torres Strait Kaziw Meta Inc
    1 Nazeer Street, Thursday Island QLD 4875, Australia

A community event spotlighting sustainable agriculture, blending traditional Torres Strait Islander practices with contemporary scientific knowledge. 

  • Educational Tours: Led by our boarders, showcasing our established vegetable gardens and fruit trees.
  • Workshops: Interactive sessions on sustainable farming, melding traditional methods with scientific approaches.
  • Information Displays: Presenting data on environmental benefits and scientific insights of local food production.

The Torres Strait Community is adversely affected by climate change due to the islands being situated in reefed areas that the people have traditionally used to sustainably survive. Educating the community on the effects of C02 release into the atmosphere and the link to increased temperature, sea level rises and ocean acidification killing reefs, will give people the background information to articulate their concerns to Australia as a whole. The event may also ease the cost-of-living burden on members of the community by showing cost-effective ways to grow fresh fruit and vegetables.

We'd love for people to come, look, and learn with the kids at the garden. Dr. Katrina Wruck will also be attending for involvement and discussions with the community. Please email us at for more information and to RSVP.

Location Information

Please sign in on arrival at the boarding office.
