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The Great Koala Count

  • - (AEST)

Find out how we count koalas in Australia... and learn how you can too!


Koalas are endangered in New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory and Queensland. There are also concerns about local koala populations in South Australia and Victoria.

This National Science Week, we will take you on a journey to find out more about this furry little Aussie icon. Learn from scientists from the CSIRO-led National Koala Monitoring Program (NKMP). These experts work alongside local communities to estimate, monitor and assess koala populations nationally.

Regardless of where you’re based, this webinar will show you how to get involved in citizen scientist projects. Discover how we find and count koalas using drones, visual surveys, detection dogs, and apps. Learn how to take part in the Great Koala Count!

This webinar touches on themes relating to conservation, ecology and biology. We will explore the use of data, maths and technologies in real-world science. We will send educators a teaching resource with curriculum-aligned activities to take the webinar further in class.

Teachers can also submit questions to our experts on behalf of their class when they register for this event.


Year Level

This webcast is most suited to students in Years 4 to 6 but is open to any age.