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Woolley Rock Reef Ramble

  • - (ACST)
  • Woolley Rock
    Scenic Road Lookout, Scenic Road, Beachport SA 5280, Australia

Embark on a Reef Ramble to explore the rocky seashore. 

Reef Watch Reef Rambles are guided tours of the seashore that offer a hands-on educational experience.

Participants of all ages can search for, touch and photograph seashore creatures under the guidance of an experienced marine ecologist. Meet intertidal invertebrates like marine snails, limpets, chitons, sea stars and more!

During each Reef Ramble, you will have the chance to explore the lower rocky seashore. This section of the seashore is home to a variety of marine invertebrates. These animals are accessible at low tide but submerged underwater at high tide. The marine ecologist supervising the event will help locate and identify invertebrates. Learn about the interesting characteristics of these creatures. Discover what they eat, what eats them, and how they reproduce.

Each tour runs for approximately 90 minutes. Reef Rambles are popular for families with young children (5 – 12 years old). Parents and grandparents can share in a fun-filled day exploring the local marine environment.   

During the Reef Ramble, you'll be encouraged to photograph the invertebrates and upload your observations to the Reef Watch Reef Ramble project page on iNaturalist. This project page is a publicly accessible archive for data and observations collected by Reef Ramble participants. It contributes to the citizen science movement and allows other scientists to learn from the shared data and observations.

