The Young Tassie Scientists are University of Tasmania graduates who are keen to share their work through interactive talks and hands-on activities. This is usually done in Tasmanian schools during National Science Week. But for one special night at Beaker Street, you can look inside the classroom door, put on your listening hat and do some learning!
Visit the Bond Store between 7 – 9pm to hear some quickfire talks on:
Katy Baker (She/Her) Deep Sea Zoology
Samuel Verne (He/Him) Physics Wizardry
Thomas Verne (He/Him) Micro-Biology
Zane Farnum (He/Him) Stress Busting
Gen Bautista (He/Him) Furry Friends
Cassidy Mihalenko (She/Her) Neutron Star Collisions
Elise Cleary (She/Her) Betting on Your Brain
Funmi Akindejoye (She/Her) Art, Nature & Happiness
Jared Magyar (He/Him) 3D Concepts in 2D Space
Yuhang Liu (She/Her) Antarctic Sea Ice Jenga
The Young Tassie Scientists program is made possible by National Science Week funding from the Australian Government and is brought to you by the University of Tasmania.
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