Shaping our Agricultural Future

Do you want to learn more about how plants power life on Earth?   ARC Future Crops Training Centre and meriSTEM education are presenting an exciting opportunity. Conduct experiments in plant biology with photosynthesis sensors and other tools at the ANU! If you’re a Year 11 or 12 student in the ACT or surrounding regions undertaking a relevant…

Micro:Macro – Models of insight and inspiration

Micro:Macro explores the role of models in understanding and exploring our world. Featuring models from science, mathematics, medicine, engineering, art, and architecture. Models shift perceptions and change understanding. Through altering scale, the miniature becomes visible, massive, and understandable. Single cells are expanded thousands of times, insects hundreds, and a whole suburb shrinks to a tabletop. …

Bee-Friendly at Monash Primary School

Students will work as a team to complete activities based around assisting the survival of bees in our local community. Students will create seed balls containing seeds of bee attracting plants that grow well in our local area. Students will take some of these seed balls home to be germinated in local gardens, with others…

Mid-afternoon Masterclass: How to catch a giant coconut-cracking rat with Dr Tyrone Lavery

There are approximately 6,500 known mammal species and around 20 new species are discovered every year. Mammalogist Dr Tyrone Lavery worked with local people to document a new species of giant rat in the Solomon Islands. With detective work, persistence and luck, they finally found what they were searching for. The Science Festival Mid-afternoon Masterclass series is a series…

Alan Broughton on Organic Methods of Pest and Disease Control

Join us for an informative talk with Alan Broughton, Agroecology Educator of the Organic Agriculture Association & Mekong Organics. Alan will be discussing microbial and botanical pest and disease products, recipes for home-made pesticides, natural fungicides and well as other options for controlling pest and disease outbreaks. Alan is an agroecology educator based here in…

Alan Broughton on Pest and Disease Prevention

Join us for an informative talk with Alan Broughton, Agroecology Educator of the Organic Agriculture Association & Mekong Organics. Alan will be going over the reasons pests and diseases attack crops, the principles of pest and disease prevention, using a refractometer to gauge plant health and many other topics to help protect your crops and…

National Science Week Storytime

Come along to your local library to celebrate National Science Week! This National Science Week learn the science behind how plants grow! Come along, sing some songs and plant your own Cress Head! Storytime sessions are for children 2-5 years of age and include songs, rhymes, stories and activities. The session will run for approximately…

Greenhouse Gardening at East Gippsland Shire Libraries

Join in the fun at your local library this National Science Week! Come along to our gardening and sustainability workshop and build your very own greenhouse, complete some science experiments and take part in our quiz.  Learn more about why gardening plays an important role in science and gain a better understanding of how plants…