Dr Sarah Preston has been called out to a property, where the farmer is having problems with his sheep. Despite the lush green pasture, the sheep just aren’t putting on any weight. Join her as she shows you how simple and easy it is to check for parasitic worms by doing an experiment on the…
Topic: Agriculture
Robogals Science Challenge 2020
The Robogals Science Challenge is online STEM competition for female and gender-diverse students aged 5-15. The challenge aims to inspire students to explore various STEM projects, and create short ‘show and tells’ of their discoveries. The challenge involves completing Minor Challenge, and then completing a Major Challenge investigating a STEM area of their choice. Students can…
Techtrails Online: Marine Science
Techtrails Online is a series of online modules featuring links to future careers and video content showcasing inspiring female STEM role models. Free to access and easy to use, with modules covering a range of themes, you can learn about the technology used in industries from marine science, and farming, to virtual reality, space and…
CSIRO Chief Executive, Dr Larry Marshall, at the National Press Club
Mission possible – A vision for Australia’s recovery and future resilience Watch live on ABC TV or on iview. Following his reappointment, CSIRO Chief Executive Dr Larry Marshall outlines his perspective on the critical role of science and technology in driving Australia’s COVID-19 recovery efforts and the power of bold, visionary collaboration to build our future resilience and solve our…
Can chloroquine be used against Covid-19?
Join Liana Theodoridis from La Trobe University for her interview: Can chloroquine be used against COVID-19? “Donald Trump reportedly took hydroxychloroquine to ward off COVID-19. Is that wise?” This is how the article published by honours student Liana Theodoridis and Dr Teresa Caravalho (Head of the Molecular Parasitology Laboratory at La Trobe University) in The Conversation…
Webinar: Soil Health Underpins Sustainability and Profitability
Check out this snapshot from three of TIA’s soil scientists working across soil health to help the Tasmanian agriculture industry be more sustainable and profitable. Whether you’re an expert or keen home gardener, this webinar will have something for you: Robert Tegg will discuss what is and why biological soil health is an important and…
Fighting Fake News and Phonies
Science provides enormous value to our community, but, this message is often drowned out by misinformation and negative press. It’s harder than ever to judge fact from fiction as people are faced with an onslaught of information at their fingertips. That’s What I Call Science is on a mission to bring people accurate and engaging…
Great Goodness Challenge
9 GREAT THINGS IN 9 GOOD DAYS The Great Goodness 9 in 9 Challenge is about celebrating all things goodness. e are challenging you and your friends to share 9 great things in the 9 good days days of the Goodness Festival (15 – 23 August) for a chance to win cool prizes and maybe…
A Tour of the Sourdough Library with Karl De Smedt
Meet Sourdough Librarian Karl De Smedt as he tells us the unique story behind the Sourdough Library and its many unique starter cultures. Please make sure you register and get your FREE tickets at our eventbrite page using the link below.
DIY Lactofermentation Workshop with Dr Erin McKenney
Join us on this DIY online workshop and ferment your favorite veggies, from your own kitchen. This National Science Week, Dr Erin McKenney will take us on a journey of the brief history and the science behind lactic acid fermentation, while helping you set up your own ferments. Please make sure your register and get…