S is for Species Survival

Students will participate in a range of hands-on learning activities that challenge them to think about different plant and animal species and how they can care for them, in ways that are meaningful to them.  Some of the activities students will engage in during the week include: Discover the Caterpillars Seed Sorcery Ecosystem in a…

Be a Biosecurity Champion

Discover how you can become a Biosecurity Champion today (and every day).  Join us here to learn about the importance of biosecurity and test your knowledge with our Kahoot! quiz.  Australia is free from many of the world’s most damaging pests and diseases. These are harmful to our natural environment, including our native plants and animals….

GSS Small but Mighty National Science Week Explosion

Greenmount SS is a small but mighty school on the Darling Downs in Queensland.  Its Science-riffic teachers run a Science Festival each year focusing around the National Science Week theme.  This year we are set to mix things up with the Biodiversity theme.  We will be running workshops with wildlife carers (and yes… there will…

Species Survivability in the West Wimmera

The school theme for National Science Week in 2024 is Species Survival – More than just sustainability. The theme aims to highlight the importance of science and innovation in ensuring the survival and thriving of different species in an ever-changing world. At Edenhope College we’ve decided to meet the scientists who work in the field to…

2024 Science Educators Colloquium

2024 Science Educators Colloquium is a wonderful event for Brisbane Teachers and Administrators supported by high school students and UQ students where we listen to amazing guest speakers taking about groundbreaking research in the science space – primarily themed about species sustainability.  We have three UQ guest speakers and fifteen Wonders of Science PhD students,…

Kids teaching kids all things science

Secondary students teaching primary students all things science! Primary students will get to rotate through a range of fun and engaging science activities developed, set up and delivered by older students. Kids teaching kids!

The Martian Garden

In the next 30 years, missions to the Moon and Mars will explore habitation in new and extreme environments. The Martian Garden will explore how we can create sustainable new ecosystems off-world. Discover how we select and adapt plant species to survive and thrive. Learn how we’re guiding novel approaches to sustainable ecosystems on Earth….

BBC Mission S.O.S – Save all our species

This National Science Week, the BBC STEM Club and Science team will take our whole-of-school community on an S.O.S mission to Save all Our Species. Throughout the week, students will engage in STEAM activities including interactive pop-up displays, biodiversity workshops, and environmental quizzes. Through these activities students will gain greater understanding and appreciation of the…

Creating a Buzz about Bugs

During the students’ STEM session we will have a special lesson dedicated to exploring insects that are within our school grounds. These sessions will run across 2 whole days and involve students from Foundation to year 6. The day will include hands-on activities where all students will be involved. Students will start by conducting an…

Bay Explorers Urraween Kindy

At Bay Explorers Urraween in Kindy this week we’ll be exploring all things STEAM based to raise awareness of National Science Week and to encourage children to develop a love of learning through science experiences and experiments. We can’t wait to venture to the most amazing places and explore the wonderful things science has provided…