The Future is FREE

Coominya State School is a small school in a rural town. The senior class, Year 5/6 students, will choose a science topic or experiment that they will develop into an engaging hands on activity for the rest of the school (Prep to Year 4, about 45 students). The topic or experiment will be linked to…

Value Adding Through the Bioeconomy

Would you like to hear about how new fermentation technology can unlock new food, feed and fibres? How metals can be recovered from mining waste to power your mobile phone or solar panels? How food and farm waste can become the valuable source of a fast-growing global bioeconomy? As part of National Science Week, the…

Kingswood High School’s Science Open Night

To celebrate all things science and National Science Week, Kingswood High School’s Science Department are delighted to run a school Open Night for the Kingswood Community and abroad.  Join us at for a SCIENtific family fun night on Wednesday 16 August from 6:00pm to 8:00pm where students from Years 7 to 12 will showcase all things…

Gold Coast School Science Competition

The 36th annual Gold Coast Schools Science Competition aimed at raising the profile of STEM in the Gold Coast community and encourages students to demonstrate their STEM abilities by entering a project into one of the five possible categories. The competition is the largest of its type in Queensland and the competition is fierce with…

St Clare’s STEM Extravaganza

Our STEM Extravaganza will run all day involving students from Prep to Year 6 working in mixed aged groups. The day will involve a rotation of engaging, hands-on activities designed to promote critical and creative thinking about this year’s theme – Innovation: Powering future industries. We have partnered with Canegrowers Tully, who will showcase how…

Science Week Celebration at St John’s School

St John’s National Science Week Celebration, including a showcase from the Canegrowers Tully. A whole day to celebrate science, involving students from Prep to Year 6 working in mixed aged groups. The day will involve a rotation of engaging, hands-on activities designed to promote critical and creative thinking about this year’s theme – Innovation: Powering…

A Wonderful Week of Water

A Week of Wonderful Water activities will take place during National Science Week and cater to students from Prep to Year 6. Activities encourage students to engage in STEM principles of designing, building and modifying to address real-life issues in our beautiful seaside school environment. Included in this are solar boat design, water testing and…

Meringandan State School’s From Farm to Fork Expo

During the Farm to Fork Expo students and families will participate in a range of activities to support their understanding of healthy eating including where their food comes from and sustainable practices to reduce organic waste. The expo aligns student learning with the development our vegetable garden and the inclusion of Indigenous plants as food…

Living and Learning the Biosphere – East Biosphere

The Fitzgerald Biosphere (FB) is internationally and nationally recognised for its high biodiversity richness, species endemism and high level of threats, as it is part of the international Southwest Biodiversity Hotspot. An extensive renomination process from 2010 – 2017 saw a rezoning of the FB to adhere to United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization…