Living and Learning the Biosphere – West Biosphere

The Fitzgerald Biosphere (FB) is internationally and nationally recognised for its high biodiversity richness, species endemism and high level of threats, as it is part of the international Southwest Biodiversity Hotspot. An extensive renomination process from 2010 – 2017 saw a rezoning of the FB to adhere to United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization…

Prescott College Southern Science Fair

Prescott College Southern will be celebrating National Science Week through a number of activities focusing on Innovation: Powering Future Industries. A fair in the hall next to the school will highlight a number of STEM projects. Projects will be completed by students from both the Primary and Secondary School.  The fair will be open for…

Oakbank School Science Day

At the Oakbank School Science Day students will participate in a variety of activities centered around the National Science Week theme of Innovation: Powering future industries.  Students will participate in activities with high school students as well as across the primary years. Activities will include those with a STEM focus and incorporate science theory while…

Sustainability at Throsby School

Throughout National Science Week, Throsby School will involve students, families and community members in setting up a Subpod worm farm in the compost bed, and planting out a range of local native edible plants.  We look forward to being able to expand our students understanding of growing and using native plants, as well as being…

Science Explorers: Innovations in Science (Caring for our Earth)

Our Year 7 and 8 students will showcase experiments and run hands on science sessions during National Science Week for our Toddler Program students with their parents and pre-primary students aged 3 to 6. Environmental activities to include making of seed bombs, paper making, installation art making using recycled materials, experimenting with wind power and…

Broughton Anglican College STEAM Fair

Broughton Anglican College will be hosting a whole school STEAM fair. Our STEAM fair will include: presentations and displays of students’ work and projects from across the school (Junior school, science, technology, mathematics and art). a range of interactive activities run by school staff and STEM students. displays and interactive activities run by outside providers…

Innovation: The Science Fair

To celebrate National Science Week, a lunchtime science fair will be held in the Treendale Primary School library. The fair’s focus will be the entries of students from Years 1 – 6: Students from Year 1 to 2 will create a science poster around a topic or theme of their choice. Students from Years 3…

Deniliquin High Loves Science

A range of activities throughout National Science Week to promote and enhance students and staffs engagement with science. We will be holding a Brain Break and morning tea, doing liquid nitrogen and dry ice demonstrations, screening the SCINEMA science film festival, exploring uses of AI in our community and using drones.

St John the Evangelist Science Spectacular

The week will include a rotation of engaging, hands-on science experiments at stations set up in our school hall, and activities and demonstrations from all areas of the science curriculum to develop a passion for science in everyday life. These activities will involve and develop problem solving and prediction skills and a sense of curiosity about…

Queechy High School – The Future of Tasmanian Industries

In National Science Week a guest speaker will visit the school to discuss career opportunities in food and agricultural science with Year 9/10 students. The guest speaker will also run Concentrating on Orange Juice with Year 7 students as a hands-on activity looking at the processing and difference between different orange juices. We will also…