To celebrate National Science Week, the Hunter Medical Research Institute (HMRI) have put together a free DIY science experiment that can be completed at home with some basic household items. HMRI researcher Dr Michelle Wong-Brown will lead you through how you can extract DNA from a strawberry. Please visit the HMRI website where you can watch a step-by-step instructional video and…
Topic: Agriculture
Earth Science Incursions at Araluen Christian College
Australian Earth Science Education (AusEarthEd) is offering free, hands-on, incursions across a range of earth science topics to schools in Alice Springs during National Science Week as part of our (PALMS Program). AusEarthEd has recently expanded into the Northern Territory after 15+ years of Earth Science and STEM education support in WA. During the incursions…
Earth Science Incursions at Sadadeen Primary School
Australian Earth Science Education (AusEarthEd) is offering free, hands-on, incursions across a range of earth science topics to schools in Alice Springs during National Science Week as part of our (PALMS Program). AusEarthEd has recently expanded into the Northern Territory after 15+ years of Earth Science and STEM education support in WA. During the incursions…
Earth Science Incursions at Living Waters Lutheran School
Australian Earth Science Education (AusEarthEd) is offering free, hands-on, incursions across a range of earth science topics to schools in Alice Springs during National Science Week as part of our (PALMS Program). AusEarthEd has recently expanded into the Northern Territory after 15+ years of Earth Science and STEM education support in WA. During the incursions…
Food Sustainability at Westall PS
This year’s National Science Week event has been designed to allow our students to develop an understanding of sustainable food production by making resources that can be used to establish and maintain our school garden: Foundation and Year 1/2 students will use the Seedling Peat Pots to start growing new seedlings to establish our school…
Ainslie School Meet-a-Scientist Nano Conference
Eighteen Scientists associated with the Ainslie School community will participate in the Ainslie School Meet-a-Scientist Nano Conference. The purpose of this event is to increase students’ appreciation of the scope and delights of science as well as expose them to a range of adults who have sustained a passion for scientific curiosity. The event will…
Propagating Food by Design
Propagating food by design project will provide opportunities for students to study the mechanics and advantages of growing seeds in a greenhouse. Providing hands-on participation through investigations, strategies, predictions, and solutions to achieve the expected outcomes – growing food from food. Students will research and investigate seed collection (sustainably and ethically), clean and store seeds…
Night Lab: Metamorphosis
Ch ch ch changes…. Join the Museum for a night of transformation, think caterpillar into butterfly, grapes into wine and bugs into food in an evening of creepy, crawly, spiky, slimy bugtastic and fabulouse fun. Confront your fears and phobias, challenge yourself to try something new and learn about the secret and not-so-secret lives of…
Postponed: Thought for Food Café
We regret to advise that due to current covid restrictions, this event has been postponed. Eat, drink and feed your mind at the Thought for Food Café during an entertaining evening of discussion and debate about humans and our relationship with food. FedUni researchers will explore the myths, the science and the tricks that influence…
Broadwater Public School STEM Day
The week will involve the students accessing online activities. They will think analytically and problem solve different STEM activities based on food problems.