Bee Hotels: Why Bees Deserve 5-starAccommodation

An introduction to the importance of bees, the challenges facing bees and how we can assist in future sustainability of bees. BYO ceramic mug per student to make and take home their own ‘Bee Hotel’. Thursday 19 August Session 1: 10:00am – 10:45am Session 2: 1:00pm – 1:45pm Special guest is a local beekeeper. Suited…

7 Decades in 7 Days – Virtual Friday Night Drinks and some 70s fun!

The Australian Museum and the Science Teachers Association NSW have teamed up to bring you Virtual Friday Nights Drinks and some 70s Fun! as part of 7 Decades in 7 Days, a week-long celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Science Teachers Association for NSW in and around National Science Week. Pull on your best…

Seaweed Forests Festival Podcast Launch

Seaweeds are the underwater trees that support our coastline here in Sydney, and along the 8,000 km of interconnected reefs which form Australia’s Great Southern Reef. Seaweeds create underwater forests that are among the most productive and biodiverse ecosystems in the world. In 2021, the Manly, Seaweed Forests Festival blended science, art and food in…

Vibes Lab of Awesome: Gympie

Gympie will have a unique and free National Science Week event, hosted in the Lab of Awesome at the Vibes Wellbeing Centre. Vibes Wellbeing Centre, Lab of Awesome, Gympie Regional STEM Hub, STEAM zone, along with the Mary River Catchment Coordinating Committee are proud to be hosting and presenting this year’s event. Educational activities include:…

Bluff Point Primary School Science Week

A week full of interesting and thought provoking activities designed to look at food sustainability in the future. We will be exploring a waste free future in which we make our own butter and make plastic out of milk. To reduce the 7.3 million tonnes of food that is lost or wasted every year in…

Broughton Anglican College Competitions

Lockdown has resulted in the cancellation of our whole school STEM fair. However, we are still able to run our three National Science Week competitions.  Whole school lego competition – build a food Junior school STEM project – based on the Science Week theme design a model, poster or short film. Senior school science week…

Young Tassie Scientists: One day School – Gifted and Talented Program

The Young Tassie Scientists bring their passion for science into school classrooms and to science fairs and festivals across Tasmania in celebration of National Science Week. These early-career researchers and PhD candidates volunteer their time to undertake training in science communication, developing interactive presentations suitable for audiences of all ages and backgrounds. The 2021 team…

In Conversation -Tipping Point. Feeding a Warming Planet

Explore the impact of global climate change on the way that we source, produce, create, share and consume food. For this In Conversation we are joined by horticulturalist Sabrina Hahn; Nyoongar traditional landowner and business executive, Gerard Matera; founding member of AgZero 2030, Cindy Stevens; and Western Australian Food Innovation Precinct General Manager, Dr Christopher…

Food for Thought

The world’s population continues to grow, which provides us all with a dire problem to solve – how does everyone, and everything, get to have enough to eat? Luckily, we humans are pretty smart, and the wise application of science, technology, engineering and mathematics can provide us with the answer. Join this fascinating free gallery…