Fairview and the Beanstalk Challenge

Students across the school will be participating in the beanstalk challenge. Each class will be given bean seeds to plant and encourage growth by changing a variable of choice. As a school, the results will be collated and compared to see which class will grow the tallest and healthiest bean plant

Sustaining St Brigid’s New Norfolk

During National Science Week at St Brigid’s we will be involved in many different activities to showcase what is available in the community, but also how food can be bought from paddock to plate in many different ways.  On Friday 20 August we will be holding a showcase event, where students from all grades will…

Smart Plants

Leading up to National Science Week, students in Year 5 will take what they have learned during our term focus on light and the coding skills that they developed in Term 2 to investigate how much light food-plants like lettuce and spinach need to thrive. They will monitor soil moisture levels and automate lighting and…

Mercedes College Science Week

Mercedes College will focus on our unique position as a school in the heart of the CBD for National Science Week. We will focus on two challenges in the city, homelessness and waste with its associated pests.  Firstly, students will be given the challenge to devise food solutions for people without traditional methods of food…

Disco Fruit – Different by Design

The week will consist of individual year level classroom based investigations involving students from Transition to Year 6. Students will engage with hands on investigations and experiments that demonstrate how fruits and vegetables are naturally different by design. Students will participate in investigating cross cut sections of fruits and vegetables that may appear outwardly similar…

Mini Masterchefs! What Can you Create?

As the theme for this year is Food – Different by Design, our challenges for the students include creative food preparation and designing a new scarecrow for our school kitchen garden.  * Whole school challenge K-6: Create your own delicious and healthy smoothie * Stages 2 & 3 challenge: Create an appetising dinner meal using mince. …

Up and Atom Science Fair

The children at the preschool will have a chance to get “Up and Atom” with science. First the children will be introduced to science concepts by viewing a science show created by local scientists and educators. They will then break into smaller groups and explore a variety of science experiments throughout the preschool, getting hands…

Indigenous Uses of Plants

Indigenous man Adam Shipp from Yurbay will come to the school and give a talk about traditional uses of plants. After the talk, the students will be exposed to native plants and investigate the environmental factors and sustainability of them. How the ancient cultures used and harvested these plants and the medicinal and healing properties…