Food in Abundance

Food in Abundance will be a series of school-based events running from 16 to 20 August. Throughout the week, each year level from Foundation through to Year 10 will take their turn at visiting the Science Laboratory for an age appropriate double lesson period of fun, hands-on science experiments and food-themed design challenges aimed at…

Hope Christian College Science Week Activities

There will be science based activities for students from Receptions to Year 9s. It will be spread over the week 16 to 20 August. Most of the activities will be food based scientific activities. There will be four year levels which will be competing against each other. We will also have a combined staff morning…

Fantastic Food Frenzy Science Day

Whyalla Town Primary will have a whole day science event. In the morning all will meet in the gym for an introduction to the theme and then spend the rest of the day doing hands on activities to do with the theme. There will be experiments on the fastest way to melt chocolate. investigating how…

Hobart College Sustainable Food Festival

A celebration of insect proteins and other innovations in food. Our popular, student run cafe will feature crickets, mealworms and products made from insect flours, supported by information collated by science students. During our regular pastoral care time, all students will have the opportunity to participate in National Science Week activities based around the theme…

Science Week @ Bundaberg Christian College

Everyday throughout National Science Week the Science Ambassadors will be putting on different experiments relating to food with a focus on a specific science each day and a Kahoot on Friday for the Middle and Senior School. They will also have an experiment for the Year 6s to prepare them for High School and to…

Experimenta Life Forms

Philosophers have wrestled with defining life for thousands of years. EXPERIMENTA LIFE FORMS reveals how contemporary artists are approaching this perennial question, at a time when technological change and new research findings are making definitions of ‘life’ increasingly difficult to pin down. What new life forms are emerging through technological and biological adaptation and invention?…

Plants for Food Security – the future is green

By the middle of the century there will be almost 10 billion people on Earth – an awful lot of mouths to feed, especially when a warming climate makes agriculture more challenging. Scientists may save the day by helping crop species adapt and thrive as growing conditions change. On behalf of the Australian Society of…

goIT Monthly Challenge – August

Did you know that nearly all Australians aged 2-18, and 9 in 10 adults aged 19 and over do not consume enough vegetables. Many remote and rural communities in Australia don’t have adequate access to fresh foods contributing to food insecurity in those areas. Tata Consultancy Services in partnerships with Food Ladder and Woolworths Australia…

National Science Week at the Cathedral with Tony Rinaudo the Forest Maker

This year’s annual National Science Week at the Cathedral (St Paul’s Anglican Cathedral in Melbourne) will feature the revolutionary work of Australian missionary agronomist Tony Rinaudo. Millions of hectares of Africa have been regenerated through Tony’s work, which now promises to be a significant part of the solution to climate change. Register now online. Contact…