Soil Your Undies!

The Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board invite you to bury your undies… to find out just how active your soil biology is. Biology within the soil is responsible for consuming all kinds of organic materials, breaking them down as a part of the nutrient cycle. This simple experiment asks you to bury your undies to…

Generation Ag National Science Week Season Special Podcast

Listen up! What is the outlook for WA’s food future? How will we produce food in a warming climate, how will water scarcity impact us, and how might our diet change? As a part of our featured events, the Western Australian Coordinating Committee is proud to present our National Science Week Season Special within the…

Generation Ag National Science Week Season Special Podcast

Listen up! What is the outlook for WA’s food future? How will we produce food in a warming climate, how will water scarcity impact us, and how might our diet change?  As a part of our 2021 featured events, the Western Australian Coordinating Committee is proud to present our National Science Week Season Special within…

Generation Ag National Science Week Season Special Podcast

Listen up! What is the outlook for WA’s food future? How will we produce food in a warming climate, how will water scarcity impact us, and how might our diet change?  As a part of our 2021 featured events, the Western Australian Coordinating Committee is proud to present our National Science Week Season Special within…

ExBEERimental Science

This National Science Week, four Australian independent breweries have been challenged to don a lab coat and craft an experimental beer. The four unique creations will be explored in depth during ‘ExBEERimental Science’, a live-streamed beer tasting event sampling the science behind brewing and beer. This year, we’ll be joined by brewers from Spotty Dog…

VIC Farmer Time

The VIC Farmer Time program creates engaging and interactive food and fibre learning experiences by connecting classrooms with selected primary producers across Victoria. Each online session has a curriculum focus; is targeted to specific year groups; and is supported by accompanying activities (literacy, science, mathematics, etc). Sessions can also support staff in addressing cross-curriculum priorities…

Switch your thinking – Preserving the Harvest (Armadale)

Food for Thought explores the science of food and food innovations. But how about stepping back in time and discovering the secrets preserving seasonal harvests? Does your garden produce a bumper crop? How can we take advantage of cheap seasonal produce? This session will cover how to get more out of your fruit and vegetables…

Switch your thinking – Solar Cooking (Belmont)

Food for Thought explores the science of food and food innovations. How can we harness the energy from the sun cook and prep our food? We don’t often think about the sun as a power source for cooking, but Ecoburbia uses solar ovens, “cooktops” and solar driers all the time, especially in summer. Come and…

Switch your thinking – Preserving the Harvest (Kwinana)

Food for Thought explores the science of food and food innovations. But how about stepping back in time and discovering the secrets of preserving seasonal harvests? Does your garden produce an all-at-once, bumper crop? And how can we take advantage of cheap, seasonal produce? This session will cover how to get more out of your…