Goodstart Narangba Science Activities

During National Science Week our educators will be conducting various science sessions, across all age groups within our centre. The resources we have gathered are My First Science Book, water cycle puzzle, My First Weight Scale, play and explore fossils set, and a mini beast super life cycle set. These resources can be used in…

Science Showcase UOW: Open day at Wollongong Campus

The open day at Wollongong campus for Science Showcase UOW is on Saturday 5 August from 10am – 3pm. The STEM zone around around “Sciences Lane” will be buzzing with all sorts of science, including guided tours of different science teaching laboratories and research spaces Fire & Ice Spectacular Science Shows, presented by the Science Space…

Science in the Swamp

Celebrate National Science Week with free family fun at Centennial Park. Science in the Swamp returns to Loch Avenue South packed with science, fun and discovery. Engage in hands-on experiments, get up close with native animals and meet real life scientists including geologists, zoologists, mathematicians and marine biologists. Say hello to Ginger the life-size dinosaur,…

Bininj Business Mob – Innovations on Country

Students of Nawarddeken Academy and the communities of Mamadawerre, Manmoyi and Kabulwarnamyo are looking forward to doing a deep dive to learn more about STEM careers on Country. Set within the Warddeken Indigenous Protected Area, students and community members are invited to join in the learning and build their skills and share their existing knowledge in innovations that…

STEM Show and Tell

Celebrate National Science Week with some of WA’s women in STEM champions. This event is for WA-based students in years 10-12 interested in learning about how rewarding and exciting a career in STEM can be. Students will have the opportunity to meet with different women working in a range of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths…

Time Detectives: Cold Case

Archaeologists are time travellers. We use the everyday items of the past to build portals through time and space; windows through which we can view landscapes thousands of years old and the people and cultures that they supported. We analyse these everyday items through an ever-increasing array of scientific techniques to explore questions such as…