Paint your own stained glass window picture frame to hang your beautiful creation. Bookingsa rew requred via Eventbrite. Please be advised that when attending this event you will need to abide by the current COVID requirements: keep a 1.5 m distance wash hands or use hand sanitiser. if you are sick or have flu/cold symptoms…
Topic: Chemistry and Materials
Yolla District School Science Evening
Join Yolla District School in celebrating National Science Week and come along for our science evening in which we will celebrate all the amazing science that is happening across our school. Parents and students will have an opportunity to participate in a variety of hands-on experiences including trying the STEM equipment that is available to…
Virtual Tour: Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre
Join us virtually to tour the Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre and meet our newest, FRIENDLIEST (you’ll learn why on the tour) supercomputer, Setonix. Pawsey is proud to be a facility that enables and accelerates Australian science and pushes the boundaries of discovery. We know that can’t be achieved without YOU – our young scientists and…
Scouts Physics STE(A)M Challenge
STEM Leaders from across Australia are partnering with Fizzics Education, to deliver SciScouts: Physics! Celebrate National Science Week by adding STEM activities to your Term 3 program. Join Scouts from all around Australia for our program in August. We are currently preparing some fantastic physics resources ready for you to run with your unit. Inspired?…
Lambert School Annual Science Quiz
A science quiz for everyone at lambert School. Fill in the answers over the course of National Science Week. Winner receives a prize tailored to their science interests (usually a book).
Hunter Science Festival
Demonstrations of the diverse activities of the members of the Hunter Innovation & Science Hub. The Hunter Innovation and Science Hub is a network of organisations within the Hunter that collaborate to deliver ongoing community science engagement programs, including during National Science Week.
Through the Looking Glass
Students will link literature with science and study the book Window by Jeannie Baker. Students will observe the invisible glass experiment, experiment with microscopes and magnifying glasses. In small groups students will build a marble run over the course of the week. This is a whole school event K to 6.
Young Tassie Scientists at Festival of Bright Ideas
Meet your local Young Tassie Scientists at the Festival of Bright Ideas and test out a range of hands-on activities for all ages. Young Tassie Scientists are early career researchers who are keen to share their work through interactive talks and hands-on activities in Tasmanian schools and communities during National Science Week. The Young Tassie…
ExBEERimental Science
Four beers, four brewers, for science. This National Science Week, four Australian independent breweries have been challenged to don a lab coat and craft an experimental beer. Don’t expect your average brews, these beers will be subjected to some type of experimental conditions to create novel and exciting results. The four unique creations will be…
A Celebration of Science at Stuart Park
During National Science Week, every student will have a fun and hands-on lesson aimed at highlighting National Science Week and the theme for this year. The students, in their science class, will be see an interactive PowerPoint which focusses on the important role that glass has on our society. On Friday 19 August, the entire…