Windows into Worlds

Our focus for this year is Windows into the Worlds of Science as a link to the Science Week theme of Glass: More than meets the eye.  All students will participate in glass-related STEM activities and science investigations during their science lessons e.g. investigating stained glass lollies and the properties of glass, making kaleidoscopes, designing…

Windows into Worlds

Our focus for this year is Windows into the Worlds of Science as a link to the Science Week theme of Glass: More than meets the eye.  All students will participate in glass-related STEM activities and science investigations during their science lessons e.g. investigating stained glass lollies and the properties of glass, making kaleidoscopes, designing…

Windows into Worlds

Our focus for this year is Windows into the Worlds of Science as a link to the Science Week theme of Glass: More than meets the eye.  All students will participate in glass-related STEM activities and science investigations during their science lessons e.g. investigating stained glass lollies and the properties of glass, making kaleidoscopes, designing…

Speed Networking

Speed Networking is a unique opportunity for students to meet with inspiring female role models working in science, technology, engineering & maths. Designed for students in Years 10-12, you will speak 1-1 with a number of different women in STEM about their day-to-day work and career pathway. You will have a few minutes to talk…

Hedland Senior High School STEAM Fest

STEAM Fest is an annual incursion held at Hedland Senior High School. STEAM Fest is a programme of exciting activities, including those held by local businesses and industries, that will inspire and encourage the scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians of the future. There will also be student projects from the school as well as the…

Kitchen Science and Amazing Chocolate Creations

Be prepared for an exciting journey of discovery in the chocolate kitchen with science guru Zac and his kitchen sidekick as they create tasty treats and explain the science behind them. The demonstration will use an induction cooker – also a scientific wonder – but why? You may be lucky enough to be asked to…

Fast and Furious

The Fast and Furious program aims to create learning opportunities for children who have limited exposure to STEM based activities by providing a fun, interactive experience of building and racing model cars. Children aged 7 – 16 years who do not engage with the local school will be invited to participate in a 3-week project,…

Belridge Science Showcase

Belridge will host a showcase for local primary schools to come and show their projects. Nine local primary schools will be provided with resources to make projects that link with this years theme of glass. The winners at each school will then be invited to attend Belridge on Friday 9 August to compete for the…

Glass Artist in Residence

Local glass artist Diane Brown will be working on-site at Albuera Street Primary School in Hobart, to create an outdoor glass mosaic that depicts a rainbow (a key part of our school branding) and fence with local birds.  All classes will visit Diane’s work area to observe her work. Diane will also share information about…