A free science program for primary aged children – everyone welcome. This promises to be fun and interactive with a science student. Email for the Zoom link and password.
Topic: Chemistry and Materials
The Gap SHS Mentos Demonstration
UQ Science Ambassador students will provide a demonstration and education session on how one of the most commonly asked for science demonstrations, the mixing of Mentos lollies and Coca-Cola, actually works.
The Gap SHS Escape Rooms
Students will participate in a range of science-themed virtual escape rooms.
The Gap SHS Food Science Demo Market
Students can sample short demonstrations involving food to explore the scientific properties of foods, model process or create an edible product. Demonstrations will include building a confectionary cell model, making sherbet, using citrus juice as invisible ink and using household objects to create slime. A model digestive system will tie this altogether to show students…
WeAreBrisbane Twitter x National Science Week
WeAreBrisbane Twitter account @WeAreBrisbane will feature a different Queensland-based STEM professional each day, as part of daily rotation curation of the account. Come follow us on from Monday 16 – Sunday 22 August. Learn about what people are working on in STEM in Queensland directly from those in the field, and also see that they’re…
There’s More to Seaweed than Sushi
Seaweed has been used for centuries for a wide variety of purposes from food to fertiliser, biofuels, bioplastics and even brewing beer. Jo Lane is the owner of Sea Health Products, and harvests a local species of seaweed to develop a range of health and wellness products. She has travelled around the world researching kelp…
Trinity Anglican School Tutor Group Science Quiz Challenge
Students are invited to compete to be named ‘TAS Science Quiz Champion Tutor Group’>
Trinity Anglican School Celebration of Science
Rotations through 4 classrooms highlighting different aspects of science. Year 5 & 6 students enjoy an interactive physics display, are fascinated by the effects of liquid nitrogen, take a VR tour and observe all manner of organisms under microscopes.
Women in STEM: Navigating Barriers to Leadership
Women in STEM, including emerging and established leaders, experience exacerbated barriers to retention, leadership development and success due to a complex web of factors underpinned by STEM disciplines being primarily male-dominated. This free live webinar explores key barriers and associated protective factors and provides practical strategies to assist women navigate the challenge of leading in…
Big Science Quiz
The University of Queensland Year 11 student ambassadors will run a quiz using the brain break materials provided from National Science Week. Students will participate in teams and prizes will be awarded to the inners after the three rounds.