
Our Stage 2’s Mix-O-Rama afternoon will not only tickle your taste buds but also tantalize your eyes. The afternoon will involve hands-on rotational activities where students have the opportunity to make ice-cream in a bag, fizzing sherbet and Berocca Lava Lamps. All activities will elicit students’ interest and curiosity in the way food items can…

7 Decades in 7 Days – Science in the House

2021 is the 70th Anniversary of the Science Teachers Association for NSW and we will be celebrating the scientific and educational advancements that have taken place across the last 70 years during 7 Decades in 7 Days in and around National Science Week in a Virtual 7 Decades in 7 Days world. 70 years is…

Lunchbox Learning

Due to current covid restrictions Lunchbox Learning will be held online. Please register for the talks/s you wish to attend to receive the link and then join at midday on the appropriate date. Does the colour of the cup influence the taste of your coffee? What does the nutrition panel really tell us? Keeping the gurk…

Little Foodies Lab

We regret that due to current Covid restrictions, these events have been cancelled.  Young scientists enter Federation University’s pop-up Food Lab at a Ballarat library to explore their body and conduct experiments using food and other common household substances – some delicious and some not. Book in for a 30-minute lab class at 10.30 or explore…

FOODOLOgY LABS: Science cream secrets

We wish to advise that due to current Covid restrictions, this event has been cancelled.  Mix up some ordinary ingredients in extraordinary ways under the guidance of FedUni Food scientists to discover some amazing secrets behind a favourite summer treat – scIenCE cream topped off with delicious melt-in-the-mouth counterfeit caviar. Adults and teens (12 years and…

Froth and Bubble Fermentation Science Guided Tour – FedTAFE Bakery

We wish to advise that due to current Covid restrictions, this event has been cancelled. Have you ever wondered about the science behind bread making and baking? Explore the SMB campus bakery through this guided tour and enjoy a tasting to follow. Suitable for adults and children 12+. Bookings are essential Tuesday 17 August Thursday 19…

How Did I Get Here? The twists and turns of a STEM career

Is a career in science, technology, engineering, or maths (STEM) something you’re considering? Maybe you’re looking for a career change, or you’re working for the first time in a STEM-adjacent role and want to know a bit more about careers in your new field. Maybe you haven’t considered it as an option or don’t think…

7 Decades in 7 Days – Propelled by Science: The future of energy

The Australian Fossil and Mineral Museum and the Science Teachers Association NSW have teamed up to present Propelled by Science as part of 7 Decades in 7 Days.  Hear how scientific advancement in energy production has propelled our progress and discover what the future has in store for us. With guest speakers, Dr Mark Ho…

New Norfolk High School STEM Expo

New Norfolk High School students will be putting on a STEM bonanza for their primary school peers. This will include 10 rotations of hands-on activities (10mins each) to show impressive scientific and mathematical concepts to approximately ~200 primary school students. Primary school students will come away with gifts made by themselves from the activities alongside…

Bluff Point Primary School Science Week

A week full of interesting and thought provoking activities designed to look at food sustainability in the future. We will be exploring a waste free future in which we make our own butter and make plastic out of milk. To reduce the 7.3 million tonnes of food that is lost or wasted every year in…