Two Way Science Day @ Shep

A whole school two-way Science Day where students rotate between different traditional technology and STEM activities throughout the day. Activities will involve community stakeholders including Marthakal Gumurr Rangers; Miwatj Health Clinic; and Yalu Aboriginal Corporation to provide culturally responsive two-way science experiences for our students.  As traditional dyes are being prepared in one area of…

An Eggcellent Container

The year is 3021. Food shortages are rampant in the city. Students will role play as product design engineers who have been tasked with designing a food transport system that is able to transport food safely from one country to another. They will need to consider: temperature control ease of transport availability of materials protection…

Farm to Fork Science Extravaganza

The Aveley North Primary School Science Farm to Fork extravaganza will incorporate an day of showcasing students’ work in science in conjunction with STEM challenges,  experiments and demonstrations. Experiments and demonstrations to include a ‘Guess the Spice’ treasure hunt, making potions, designing their own farm robot and working together in a ‘Dress the Scarecrow’ competition. Other…

Make it Grain

Lets get ready to Make it Grain in the month of August for the chance to win big. Calling all junior scientists, schools and home brewing enthusiasts: in celebration of National Science Week, Street Science has teamed up with fabulous food technology innovators Earlee Products to challenge you to make the heaviest batch of water…

The Science of Flavour

Join us for a National Science Week event at Ancient World exploring themes of native foods, future foods and food security. About this event Joining us at Ancient World for this National Science Week event will be: Mark Koolmatrie of the Ngarrindjeri Nation Steph Daughtry & Hannah Rohrlach (Creative Directors of Post Dining) Professor Wendy…

Bendy Bones

Drink plenty of milk for strong bones parents normally told their child(ren). Calcium makes for strong bones. Did you know our maximum calcium absorption occurs roughly around the age of 25? From there, it gradually weakens resulting in our elderly individuals having fragile frames. Anyone watched the movie Fantastic 4 or The Incredibles. The stretchy…

Bouncy Egg

Eggs are fragile especially when dropped. Ever drop an egg and it cracks upon impact? Interestingly enough, eggs can bounce (at certain heights). How can they bounce when they have a hard shell? Simply by removing their shells.

Fudge My Senses

How my influences do our sense contribute to our sense of taste? Ever been told to eat a certain food but you have already determined it is disgusting based on its smell? The sense of smell contributes to a high percentage of our taste, hence when we are sick and have to take medicine, we…

Instant Ice-cream

Who doesn’t like ice-cream? Ice-cream is good for all occasions – happy times, sad times, hot days, cold days or even a late-night snack (just remember to brush your teeth before bed) Does ice-cream take long to make? Do you sometimes want ice-cream but do not have any in the freezer?  With the right materials…


The amazing facts behind the formation of honeycomb? Why are there holes?  This experiment allows participants to visually see the chemistry of how honeycomb is made and they also get a treat afterwards.