STEM WEEK and Family STEM Night

Our event starts on the Monday of National Science Week when we hold science demos on assembly, have project building lunch time activities, HEROs of STEM teaching competition and other smaller activities to celebrate STEM at our College. Then we also hold a Family STEM Night where our College community engages in STEM related activities…

Science Trivia in the Club

The National Science Week Quiz Night is back. This year we’re pushing ahead full-STEAM: science, technology, engineering,aArts, and maths – with a quiz round dedicated to each. Fear not, you won’t need an advanced degree to do well in our quiz night, you will be surprised just how much STEAM is all around your day-to-day…

Fizzics Education: Food science show

Delve into food chemistry in this online science show. Join the Fizzics Education team in this fun-filled program developed for the National Science Week theme, Food: Different by Design, to learn about molecular gastronomy and how it is used in modern food design. Watch the Fizzics presenters uncover the components that make up our food…

Fizzics Education: Liquid nitrogen show

Join the Fizzics Education team as they showcase scientific demonstrations using liquid nitrogen in this ‘super cool’ online science show. Find out how solids, liquids and gases change when rapidly heated and cooled through a series of experiments. Discover what happens to living things if they are frozen and investigate how Newton’s Third Law of…

Defence Faces of STEM

A physical display in Russell celebrating the diversity of STEM roles and personnel across Defence. Profiles will be showcased featuring STEM professionals and STEM enabled roles from a wide range of Groups and Services across Defence.

Immersive Science – Investigate, research and demonstrate

Students from Years 2-12 at Mentone Girls’ Grammar will be presenting, demonstrating and running live trials of investigations of their own design with members of the school and broader community centred on the theme of this year’s theme of Food: Different by design. Local primary schools, secondary schools and members of the public are invited…

Time For Tech – Science Week in Schools 2021

TIME FOR TECH! ​ STEM is the future for food. It’s never been more important to be knowledgeable on what  makes food technology tick, from sustainable agriculture to innovation to biosecurity.   Time for Tech explores how the more we know about food science and technology, the more we can solve problems in everyday life. Celebrating the National…

MyScope Explore Challenge: use an electron microscope simulator to win prizes!

Make microscopic discoveries with MyScope Explore. Take up our challenge for the chance to win a Foldscope – a fully functional origami microscope. Two challenges are aimed at Years 4-8 and 9-12. You can submit your answers using the online forms on our website. There are twenty prizes on offer for the best entries. The…

The Big Biofilm Hunt

Have you ever realised that we are surrounded by millions of microbes, such as bacteria and viruses? Do you know the difference between them? Are they our friends or foes? And how do they live and survive our best medical care? Microbes are known to form communities and excrete a slime that protects them from…

Time For Tech – Science Week in Schools 2021

TIME FOR TECH! ​ STEM is the future for food. It’s never been more important to be knowledgeable on what  makes food technology tick, from sustainable agriculture to innovation to biosecurity.   Time for Tech explores how the more we know about food science and technology, the more we can solve problems in everyday life. Celebrating the National…