A science fair for all students in the school. Student work will be displayed, as well as a small museum set up from all the biological and geological samples at the school. There will also be a science show demonstration using liquid nitrogen for all students
Topic: Chemistry and Materials
Centenary State High School Rocket Launch
Let’s kick off National Science Week with a bang – come and launch rockets fuelled with food. We will investigate the famous soda & Mentos reaction. Who can get the highest explosion? Does it make a difference what soda you use? Can you enhance your rocket to make it fly further?
National Science Week at Lanyon High
Lanyon science teachers run activities during the breaks that are aimed at all 7 to 10 students involving activities that are not normally run in the classroom. One teacher will borrow Makey Makey equipment for a day and run activities around coding. Another teacher uses dry ice for a number of activities including; Dry ice…
St Mary’s – Getting students excited
Our Year 5 and 6 students will run a variety of science activities in the Auditorium for the P-2 students to try. The older students will be responsible for planning the items, with teacher support, and delivering the activities. The Prep-2 students will have fun learning about different types of science.
Koorda Primary School STEM Challenge
A group of local schools will be joining us for a STEM challenge day, full of science based activities and competitions.
Famous Scientists visit Bairnsdale Primary School Science Fair
The ‘Famous Scientists’ visits aims to bring to life student’s science understanding in a fun and engaging way. The idea is that students research (living and formerly living) famous scientists and their real life discoveries, inventions and theories. Students then plan, organise and work on bringing this knowledge to life in poster and in-person form…
Carnaby Rise Primary School’s Science Celebration Day
Carnaby Rise Primary School’s Science Celebration Day includes rotational activities between classes across the entire school. Our Super Science Day will run for one whole school day, with each student rotating through 4 one-hour activities, moving through 4 classrooms, with each teacher in the school teaching one engaging, hands-on science lesson each, every hour, at…
Food: A practical experience
Students will explore recess and lunchtime activities over the course of National Science Week. They will: build pollen traps undergo flower dissections understand thermodynamics by designing a vertical wall or roof top garden burn food to find energy content investigate aquaculture undergo a sensory food journey
The Future of Foods, From the Ground Up
Activities will explore the future opportunities in food science and STEM. The environmental impact of food production systems and how the food we grow or harvest can impact climate change. Highlighting site appropriate agriculture, students will follow an existing bush food trail through our school grounds and adjacent parklands guided by our local Indigenous elders….
Eastlakes Public School Science Fair
The Eastlakes Public School Science Fair will showcase science and technology across all years K-6. Students, teachers, parents and community members will have the opportunity to participate in experiments, share learning and challenge their thinking with creative and critical thinking challenges.