St Leonards Primary Science Week

Whole school hands-on Science Fair in the school assembly hall, rotating Prep to Year 6 through investigative and hands on work stations in a central location. Food and science of food will be the focus with the idea to activate science inquiry skills of questioning, predicting, conducting, processing and evaluation. This includes an open invitation…

Children’s Storytelling Online Workshop with Aussie STEM Stars

Celebrate National Science Week with authors from the exciting new book series Aussie STEM stars. Join award-winning authors Claire Saxby and Emily Gale as they showcase the book series and describe what it’s like writing the biographies of STEM superstars. The STEM stars themselves will then challenge you with a range of exciting STEM-based activities…

Deceptology with Nicholas J Johnson at State Library Victoria

To celebrate National Science Week, magician Nicholas J Johnson (aka the Honest Conman) will be performing his incredible show Deceptology. Deceptology combines magic with science, providing an introduction to the extraordinary psychological and neuroscientific principles that make illusions possible. Students will have their brains ‘hacked’ by change blindness, gestalt pattern perception, the motion aftereffect, faulty…

Dalman’s No Waste Urban Garden (D.U.G) Pickle and Preserve for the future festival

The festival will run through National Science Week and will involve students from Kindergarten to Year 6, and parents. We will run rotations of engaging, hands-on pickling/ preserving lesson as well as cooking using the food collected from the D.U.G. Students will learn the no waste sustainability cycle of growing the item – cooking –…

Kilcoy State School Science Fair

Kilcoy State School are excited to whet our appetites with 2021’s National Science Week theme of Food: Different by Design. From Prep to Year 6, all classes will showcase their amazing work by creating Science Stations with visual displays linked to hands-on activities and technology of their chosen Science unit topic or STEM passion. This…

Korumburra Secondary College Science Week Activities

Day 1 National Science Week at the school gets off to a great start with the Food and Fibre School Industry Partnership Program providing a free excursion to ElliBank research centre at Warragul to run some STEM based activity stations with Year 7. Soil scientist Doug Crawford joins us for a one-hour session with Year…

Holy Cross Science Week

The students will engage in a range of fun and engaging science activities based around the theme Food: Different by Design. Each year level will be responsible for bringing a STEM activity to share with their peers on our multipurpose court. Activities will include ice cream in a bag, solids, liquids and gases, reversible and…

Nyabing Paddock to Plate

Nyabing Primary School will be hosting a fun, engaging day that aims to promote produce from our local area. Students will observe and learn about different food products from the Great Southern area.  Students will listen to a guest speaker talk about the process that grain goes through once it reaches a CBH bing. They…

Food Science with Moorak

The Year 5-7 students at Moorak Primary School have been busy organising Science Fair Night. The class have been working hard in their groups to create hands on Science activities that the Moorak community can participate in. This year’s theme is food so the groups have combined science and food and have a range of…

Jingili Science Expo and Science Fair

Jingili’s Science Fair is a longstanding tradition at our school and involves students from Preschool to Year 6 participating. It has evolved over time and includes a science expo, where experts from the community come in to showcase science in the real world, which is then transferred to students being the experts where they showcase…