Clare Spectacular Science Fair

The Clare Library regional Science Fair is now in its 5th year and is modelled on the Science Alive! events held in larger cities. It aims to bring the excitement, relevance, and importance of science to the people and inspire the community to encourage and support young people to engage with science. Clare Library has…

Would I Lie To You? by Superstars of STEM and Science in the Pub Adelaide

Would I lie to you? You can trust the science, but can you trust the scientist? This fun and informative Big Science Adelaide event is brought to you by the minds behind the successful “Tall Tales of Science”. In this game show-style evening, two teams of experts from the STA’s Superstars of STEM program will…

A Day of Science at Walkerville

Walkerville Library are running a special Saturday session to celebrate National Science Week, children are invited to participate in many activities. Virtual Reality 10am – 1pm Are you a Gourmet Chef or just love food? Come and enjoy some food based VR games. Children aged 8+. Free, no bookings. Sustainability Workshop 10am – 11am In…

Yolla District School Science Evening

Join Yolla District School in celebrating National Science Week and come along for our science evening in which we will celebrate all the amazing science that is happening across our school. Parents and students will have an opportunity to participate in a variety of hands-on experiences including trying the STEM equipment that is available to…

Science at the Shine Dome 2021 – Symposium: Science and the Public Good

Join us at the Australian Academy of Science’s annual symposium as we explore the value of science to everyone. At ‘Science and the Public Good’, speakers will help us to explore the critical importance of studying mathematics, chemistry, biology and physics, and how this fundamental knowledge is essential to scientific advances. ‘Science and the Public…

National Science Quiz – LIVE

Want to be part of the audience for the recording of the 2021 National Science Quiz? Well, this is your chance. Charlie Pickering, of ABC’s The Weekly Program, is the host and he will quiz two teams of scientists and science communicators including Professor Alan Duffy, Professor Jared Cole, Dr Jen Martin, Alanta Colley, Catriona…

Cracking Cryogenic Ice Cream

A demonstration, tasting and science immersion exploring the history and future of liquid nitrogen in food, food production and gastronomy. An event to engage students from Prep to Year 12 with the fun of making and eating ice cream. Exploring the link between science and food production and the processes we use.

Girls Day Out in STEM Challenge: The Great Machine Learning Bake-off!

A Recipe for STEM fun. Girls Day Out in STEM is designing food differently this National Science Week: Food: Different by Design. Join us for our challenge: The Great Machine Learning Bake-off. Register: Get access to the SECRET recipes (ask for your parent’s permission first) Prepare: Reach out to your friends and family to form…

ExBEERimental Science

This National Science Week, four Australian independent breweries have been challenged to don a lab coat and craft an experimental beer. The four unique creations will be explored in depth during ‘ExBEERimental Science’, a live-streamed beer tasting event sampling the science behind brewing and beer. This year, we’ll be joined by brewers from Spotty Dog…

Switch your thinking – Preserving the Harvest (Armadale)

Food for Thought explores the science of food and food innovations. But how about stepping back in time and discovering the secrets preserving seasonal harvests? Does your garden produce a bumper crop? How can we take advantage of cheap seasonal produce? This session will cover how to get more out of your fruit and vegetables…