Port Dalrymple School Science Week Activities

Across National Science Week, Port Dalrymple School will be holding multiple activities for students. These will include specialist Science teacher incursions for classes in Years 1-2, a STEAM challenge for students in Years 5-6, as well as multiple rocket launch events to showcase the work of our secondary students.

Kirwan State School Science Fair

Come along and share in the wonder of science as Year 6 students present personal projects they have been working on.  These projects have been designed to showcase a scientific principle or test a personal hypothesis. With practical demonstrations and a showcase of STEM projects across the school, it is a great way to see…

Brookton Primary Science Fair

Students will work on a science project, following the scientific method, in an area of interest. The students create a display, including a poster. The projects will be displayed in the school library during National Science Week. Prize winners for each category will be announced at the end of Science Week. Visitors to the school…

Nature is a Fowl Play(ground)

Yongergnow-Ongerup Community Resource Centre has organised a day of science talks, wildlife encounters and activities about adaptation and transformation. Yongergnow Malleefowl Centre’s Zoologist, Miss Stevi Filipowski, and Mr. Kyle Townsend, environmental scientist from NSPNR (North Stirlings Pallinup Natural Resources) will be our guest speakers. They will focus on wildlife interaction and adaptation to the environment,…

The Young Scientist Research Prizes

To foster and recognise excellence in Victoria’s early career scientists, the Royal Society of Victoria offers four, prestigious, competitive prizes, open to Victorian students in their final year of doctoral candidature, in all areas of the Biomedical & Health Sciences, Biological Sciences (non-human), Earth Sciences and Physical Sciences. Following assessment of applications across the four…

RST Doctoral Award Webinar

Dr Abersteiner is the 2020 Royal Society of Tasmania’s Doctoral Award winner. His PhD focused on kimberlite, an igneous rock that originates deep within the Earth and is the primary source of diamonds. He will deliver an online webinar and speak about how his work greatly improves our understanding of the Earth’s deep interior.

Premier’s Science Awards and WA Science Hall of Fame Presentation Ceremony

The Premier’s Science Awards recognise and celebrate the outstanding scientific research and engagement taking place in Western Australia. The awards are a keystone in the Western Australian government’s efforts to raise the profile of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in Western Australia. Over the years, awards alumni have become important ambassadors for the state, helping…

The Science of Paper

Paper is one of the most important inventions in the history of civilisation. The city of Burnie in Tasmania’s North-west has a rich industrial heritage centered around the manufacture of paper. Between 1930 and 2010 Burnie was the home of Australian Pulp and Paper Mills (APPM), an enterprise which in its heyday, employed over 60%…

Science Week at Glenmore State High School

Students at Glenmore State High School will participate in STEM activities throughout National Science Week. These activities will be designed to allow students the opportunity to participate in hands on, engaging science experiments, challenges and demonstrations. The overall goal is to promote the STEM subjects within our school and allow students to learn more about…