Premier’s Science Awards and WA Science Hall of Fame Presentation Ceremony

The Premier’s Science Awards recognise and celebrate the outstanding scientific research and engagement taking place in Western Australia. The awards are a keystone in the Western Australian government’s efforts to raise the profile of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in Western Australia. Over the years, awards alumni have become important ambassadors for the state, helping…

The Science of Paper

Paper is one of the most important inventions in the history of civilisation. The city of Burnie in Tasmania’s North-west has a rich industrial heritage centered around the manufacture of paper. Between 1930 and 2010 Burnie was the home of Australian Pulp and Paper Mills (APPM), an enterprise which in its heyday, employed over 60%…

Science Week at Glenmore State High School

Students at Glenmore State High School will participate in STEM activities throughout National Science Week. These activities will be designed to allow students the opportunity to participate in hands on, engaging science experiments, challenges and demonstrations. The overall goal is to promote the STEM subjects within our school and allow students to learn more about…

STEM Spin Out Sessions

Kingsley College will hold STEM Spin Out Sessions during National Science Week. Centrifuging is one of the more spectacular food science activities. P-12 students will take part in activities that involve centripetal and centrifugal forces, and a microcentrifuge, all centring around how these ideas are applied in food science.

National Science Week at Wyndham College

Event Description and Activities – Celebration of National Science Week involving a variety of learning experiences for students aligned with the theme Food: different by design. Activities will include: morning tea for staff organised by Biology and Food technology students who will work together to cook edible scientific models and plant based meat products. Food…

Cochlear Aurora Science Photo Contest

The Aurora Science Photo Contest is for schoolgirls to get them to think about everyday science through photography. This contest is an alternative way to engage female school students with science to make them aware of science in everyday life. Flinders University’s 2021 Cochlear Aurora Photo Contest is now open, offering cash prizes to reward young female…

Settlers Primary School Science Week Spectacular

Every student in our school from Kindergarten to Year 6 will participate in tabloid style hands-on science activities throughout National Science Week. Each year group participates on one day during science week and will be immersed in a series of tabloid style activities in small groups, where they will be challenged by a variety of…

Eco-dyeing 101 – Using local plants and flowers

In the quest to live more sustainably, learning to dye naturals materials such as wool, silk and cotton (and upcycling garments made from proteins and cellulose) using plants and flowers from the immediate neighbourhood is interesting, fun, sustainable, responsible, has a low carbon footprint… and is a process jam packed with science. Join us at Alphington…

Pollination Produces our Food

Community members will gain greater awareness of the importance of pollinators such as bees and other insects to modern society through interactive displays, lectures, demonstrations, site visits and a Festival.  Pollination in the Gardens, a two-week series of interactive exhibits and experiments developed and presented with the Hunter Valley Amateur Beekeepers Association. The Children’s University…

Renewable Energy Innovators of the Huon Valley

This field trip in the Huon Valley will visit three renewable energy innovators in the Huon Valley who will share their visions and creative solutions to their local energy needs. This will include a micro hydro, a tracking solar system, an off-grid business utilising waste products including biodiesel, bio-char and waste wood, and a community…