BIG Science BIG Fun Show

Celebrate National Science Week at Caroline Springs Library. See gigantic bubbles, flying toilet paper, hair-raising electricity experiments, bubbling liquid nitrogen demonstrations, levitating beach balls, volunteers on a nail chair, a giant gyroscope, and much more. Science has never been this fun. Proudly presented by Fizzics Education. 

Collaborative Conservation – Case studies in the shared care of museum objects

Successful conservation requires the effort of a collaborative team working to meet both the technical and ethical needs of culturally significant objects. Collaboration among conservators, scientists, engineers and a range of other professionals is illustrated in a selection of case studies from the Australian National Maritime Museum.   They include the investigation beneath the surface of…

A Splash of Colour – Identification of pigments in the collections

Colour is found on a wide range of ancient objects, such as coffins, papyri, ceramics and paintings, and also in cosmetic materials for body and hair. Colourants can from a range of natural sources including minerals, plants, insects, lay and soot from oil lamps or by charring ivory or bones. The use of specific colours is often…

Hands-on Science at Harrison School

The science team at Harrison will be conducting break time activities in the VAST building at the school. Students from P-10 can register for the activity of their choice and celebrate science.

Exploring Careers in STEM

Interested in a career in STEM? Come along to Melton City Libraries to hear from a diverse panel of young people who work in the field. Ingrid, Daniel and Josh will speak about their journeys so far working in the industry, and answer any questions you may have. The panel includes Ingrid Freeman (data science…

Minute to Win it

Students at Lota State school from Prep to Year 6 will take part in 4 science-based games.  Chop Stick Pick-up  materials science How many blocks can you move from 1 cup to the other using only the chopsticks in 1 minute. Dice Stack structures Can you hold an ice cream stick in your teeth and…

Innovative Batteries

Port Melbourne Secondary College students will be invited to the science labs to explore how to create a battery and generate electricity. 

Majura primary School Science Week Celebration

This week each class will participate in a science activity. There will be three sub divisions of junior/middle/upper primary. The activities will be fun and engaging and stimulating scientific thought and discussions and hopefully inspire. Activities will be devised and packs constructed to minimise teacher effort and produce activities that focus on fun and discussion….

Science Play Matters at Ravizza Playtime

Play Matters Australia is hosting a free National Science Week Playgroup at Hambledon House Community Centre, Cairns. This playgroup caters to families with children aged up to five years old and will have low-sensory activity options. Join us for a morning of science activities and lots of fun for everyone. To attend, please register for…

Science Play Matters at Start Healthy Playgroup

Play Matters Australia is hosting a free National Science Week Playgroup at Hambledon House Community Centre, Cairns. This playgroup caters to families with children aged up to five years old and will have low-sensory activity options. Join us for a morning of science activities and lots of fun for everyone. To attend, please register for…