Healthy Forests = Healthy Us Family Activity Day

What do trees have to do with the physical and mental health of humans? Come together to celebrate forest and human health, experience and  learn about ways  of how healing country heals ourselves, and vice versa. Details and online registration for workshops to be announced. Sunshine Coast organisations will bring the intersecting sciences of human…

Stepping Stone Klemzig Childcare – Meet the Scientist

A scientist will visit Stepping Stone and explain what science is and what they do, then show some science-y things (tubes, pipettes etc) and do some simple experiments. Two sessions will be held: one with the nursery and toddler age bracket and one with pre-kindy and kindy age bracket. A few different age-appropriate interactive demonstrations…

Science Puzzles at Coburn Primary School

The Vet (teacher) has locked himself accidentally in his cabinet while consulting an elephant patient (elephant mascot) with a terrible mouth hygiene and a sore tooth. He wants to make elephant toothpaste to help the elephant, but he needs to find all the ingredients. He stored them safely, but he cannot remember where. He needs…

Durack School Power-Up Science Fair

Our whole-school Pre School – Year 6 Power-Up Science Fair will be held over 2 days. Teachers & students will rotate through engaging, experimentational, informational and hands-on stations exploring various science areas. Stations will include: animal husbandry agriculture in our school farm produce sweetness testing & tasting solar energy solar powered devices rubber band energy…

Soapbox Science Melbourne

Soapbox Science Melbourne is back for 2023. As part of National Science Week with the theme of Innovation: Powering Future Industries, Soapbox Science is back this year and our team is super excited to invite you to our event on Friday 18 August at 2-5pm.  Check out the event recap from 2022.  Organized by STEM…

World Science Festival Queensland Ipswich Open Day

World Science Festival Queensland is returning to Ipswich this August. Come join the celebration as The Workshops Rail Museum once again becomes a STEM playground with immersive and family-friendly events for everyone to enjoy. Explore a transport wonderland for hands-on science fun – launch a rocket, step into a new world with Professor Tech’s virtual…

Mini Boss: Chemical Science Incursion

MiniBOSS’S full day incursion ‘The Lab’ will get the students thinking about how science is in everything, and how we use our science skills everyday. Students work in teams to attack different science experiments that explore how different materials cause reactions. The skills and science they learn from these experiments is then applied to an…

Magical Science

Approximately 30 students from Year 10 will 12 volunteer to be part of Magical Science. They will work together with their peers to run awesome science shows over National Science Week. This project will be facilitated by science teachers and is run by groups of students who are passionate about science concepts (of all strands…

Kids vs Science

A panel of young people aged 8-16 years interview a revolving door of acclaimed scientists about their research and passions. Sparks fly and views collide as the tough questions are asked that can only come from a generation born with mobile phones and access to early stage AI. E xpect fresh conversations, honest encounters and…