Cool Science at Home

Bridgewater Library is committed to inspiring our local young people to pursue an interest in science. Our Cool Science program introduces young people to science concepts through experiments using everyday items that can be found in the kitchen of peoples’ homes.  We know that the simple science experiment that a child does today may spark…

Science Pub Trivia – At home

Science Pub Trivia is on again in 2020- but this time, you can play along at home. Get your team together and tune in on Facebook Live for this entertaining evening: questions will cover all areas of the scientific world, the latest tech and pop culture too! There’ll be questions for everyone.


A whole school tabloid day of STEM activities. Fun hands on STEM activities from Pre-primary through to Year 6, including a science show at the start of the day.

Paradoxical Objects: online project at MOD.

Have you ever stopped to contemplate the objects around you? From clothes you wear, the cutlery you eat with, to the device you’re reading this on – our everyday objects slice through time to the origins of our universe, emerge from all continents across our globe, and are extracted, manufactured and transported by many human…


The year is 2050. In southern Australia there is a plot of land known as Eucalara. Eucalara is already feeling the impact of climate change. Climate refugees started arriving decades ago, invasive species are on the move, and water is an increasingly precious resource. Amongst all this are seven siblings. The siblings have inherited this…

CSIRO National Science Week Challenge

To celebrate National Science Week, we’re challenging all Australians to find out what connects them to the ocean, wherever they live. From taking photos of local waterways to designing and building a water filter, you can explore your connection to the ocean as deeply as you’d like. Head to our National Science Week Challenge website to learn…

The Young Scientist Research Prizes

To foster and recognise excellence in Victoria’s early career scientists, the Royal Society of Victoria established four prestigious competitive prizes open to Victorian students in their final year of doctoral candidature, in all areas of the Biomedical & Health Sciences, Biological Sciences (Non-human), Earth Sciences and Physical Sciences. Following assessment of applications across the four…

National Science Week with the Goethe-Institut

The Goethe-Institut has a selection of online science films and videos, DIY science experiments and quizzes that schools can access for free during National Science Week. The resources are great for interdisciplinary activities that combine STEM and German. Most materials are available in German and English. As a highlight during Science Week the documentary feature film “Checker…

Not The Usual Home-science Show

The team behind the Professor Plums lab are bringing you short online science activities that you can join in with and do at home. We will demonstrate some big and wild science experiments, and then show you how to do your own at home using things you have in your home. Learn about buoyancy by making…