Scinema at the Cobb+Co Museum

Join us at the Cobb+Co Museum as we broadcast the International Science Film Festival throughout the week in celebration of National Science Week, 12 – 20 August 2023.  SCINEMA, pronounced with a long ‘i’ to emphasise the science behind the cinema, is an international science film festival based in Australia, providing a platform on which…

Hunter Science Festival

The Hunter Science Festival is back for its always-popular and jam-packed day of STEM activity on Sunday 20 August 10am to 2pm at Newcastle Museum. This year’s Festival theme of Innovation – Powering Future Industries will include hands-on interactive learning experiences, showcasing local technology and scientific research happening across the Hunter. Festival highlights make and…

Panel Discussion: Empowering Women in STEM for Sustainable Impact

Hosted By Dr Bita Zaferanloo, lead of Shaping STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) Futures at Swinburne, join us for an inspiring discussion focussed on STEM communication and leadership. In this session, Dr Dana Rezazadegan, a nominated Superstar of STEM in 2020. Will share her inspiring career journey. This will follow with a Women in…

A Big Dialogue: Net zero without nuclear?

Big Dialogues: better public discussions of big ideas and issues, beyond debate. Net zero without nuclear? People are understandably passionate about energy policy, crucial as it is to prosperity and the environment. Join us for a long form discussion of a difficult policy topic, between differing experts seeking common ground and progress, not hollow victory…

Queensland Children’s Hospital STEM Fair

Students, their siblings and parents can engage with the following groups as part of a STEM fair: STEM Punks CoralWatch Dr Rob Bell Experimentary The Create Lab /Professor Tech Chinchilla sand megafauna (palaeontology) presented by PhD candidate Mr Vikram Viakil (University of Queensland) Sharkecology presented by Dr Marielle Familiar Lopez

First Nations STEM Careers Day

An exciting day discovering the world of STEM careers and the diverse pathways available, this will provide valuable insights to all. Students and their guests will be collected by bus from Queens Park, Warwick at 8:30am. The bus will transport students and their guests from each location before returning them to the pick-up point at…

Solar Powered Cars

Come along to a special STEM based activity session and make your very own solar powered car. Learn about solar power, where it comes from, how it works, and why it helps the planet, then construct your own solar powered car and watch it go. This is a National Science Week event, presented with the…

STEM Town Hall Meeting, with Dr. Monique Ryan MP

Melbourne-based STEM professionals are invited to a town hall-style meeting with Dr Monique Ryan, the Federal Member for Kooyong. This is a fantastic opportunity for people working in STEM to discuss matters of science and policy with a current policy-maker. Moderated by Dr Ben McAllister, a Swinburne Research Fellow, the aim of the meeting is…

Townsville STEM Faire

Ignite your curiosity at the Townsville STEM Faire this National Science Week. Join Townsville Citylibraries and the Townsville STEM Hub at Citylibraries Riverway and the Riverway Precinct for a day of discovery in science, technology, engineering and maths. From prep students to professionals, the Townsville STEM Faire has something to inspire everyone. Experience live science…

Science Week at Macclesfield Primary School

For the 2023 theme of Innovation: Powering Future Industries we have Megan Volta from For the Love of Science coming in to help us run a series of activities and events each day.  The following activities will run across the week, with all students involved. Some of these activities will run as opt in events,…