Through the Looking Glass

Over the course of 2 weeks, Roseworth students will be immersed in everything glass. Staff will become students at a staff meeting prior to National Science Week. They will be guided through two experiments and the process of the two long week event. The STEM 10 DREAM TEAM, STEM Committee members, will then install a…

Through the looking glass

Over the course of 2 weeks, Roseworth students will be immersed in everything glass. Staff will become students at a staff meeting prior to Science week. They will be guided through two experiments and the process of the two long week event. The STEM 10 DREAM TEAM, STEM Committee members, will then install a display…

Bellbrae PS Community Science Afternoon

All students (Prep to Yr 6) will participate in rotational year level activities involving scientific experimentation related to the concepts of flight. Students will be given the opportunities to create and test a range of flight resources including parachutes, rockets, paper planes, choppers, flying foxes, slingshots, hot air balloons and delta darts.

Cedars Christian College Science Week

Cedars Christian College will be transformed into a week-long incubator of scientific exploration for students from Year 7 to Year 12. The school’s science workshops will give students an opportunity to explore the national theme – Glass: More than meets the eye. Tasks will include Laser Maze challenges, reflecting and refracting a beam in order…

Holy Trinity Lutheran College Science Evening

A science evening, that will include a range of hands-on science activities, models and experiments, involving different aspects of the Year 7-10 Science curriculum. Students will work in small groups to develop an experimental idea that is interactive with an audience. Stalls and stations will be set up in and around the science classrooms, where…

Wirrabirra ESC open day

Welcome to the Wirrabirra ESC open day. Today we will be visiting several classes and join in completing different experiments with your child. The theme for this year’s science day is GLASS.

South West Science Fair – at the Library

A free afternoon of fun for everyone. Join us at this FREE special after-hours event which will see multiple organisations, businesses and community groups collaborate and exhibit together to form what will be a family friendly science themed fair with various exhibitors, hands-on activities, games and competitions for an afternoon of learning and fun. The…

Settlers Primary School Science Week Spectacular

Every student in our school from Kindergarten to Year 6 will participate in tabloid style hands-on science activities throughout National Science Week. Each year group participates on one day during science week and will be immersed in a series of tabloid style activities in small groups, where they will be challenged by a variety of…

The Young Scientist Research Prizes

To foster and recognise excellence in Victoria’s early career scientists, the Royal Society of Victoria offers four, prestigious, competitive prizes, open to Victorian students in their final year of doctoral candidature, in all areas of the Biomedical & Health Sciences, Biological Sciences (non-human), Earth Sciences and Physical Sciences. Following assessment of applications across the four…

Mini Science Fair

During National Science Week our teachers will create a Mini Science Fair for each of our three kindergarten groups within their session times. Students will dress up as mini scientists and participate in a range of fun, hands-on activities and experiments that engage young learners in the wonderment of the world around them. The children…