Great Glossy Count Training Webinar

At this virtual workshop, citizen scientists will brush up on their Glossy ID skills ahead of Australia’s second annual Great Glossy Count, being presented by Birdlife Australia in collaboration with the Glossy Black Conservancy. The count takes place on Saturday 9 – Sunday 10 September. Get more details about volunteering. This Zoom webinar will cover:…

iNaturalist for Advanced Users

Thomas Mesaglio is leading an online workshop dealing with a list of topics for the advanced users of iNaturalist, to be better able to search for favourite species and to work with the many great functions of this global platform for biodiversity. Thomas Mesaglio is extremely passionate about citizen science, especially the biodiversity citizen science…

Great Glossy Count Training Walk n Talk

Join like-minded bird-lovers to learn how to locate and identify glossy black-cockatoos and their feed trees in the wild. Catherine Madden from the Scenic Rim Regional Council will present information about glossy black-cockatoo identification and ecology. Participants will also have the opportunity to sign on to the second annual Great Glossy Count which will be…

Water, wetlands and wildlife

National Science Week provides us with a chance to discover a local urban success story. Geography Victoria is offering a fieldtrip with local restoration and environmental specialists exploring the challenges, successes and opportunities of managing our urban environment. Our three focus areas will be:  * The community-driven rewilding and transformation of the former Elsternwick golf course in North…

Water, wetlands and wildlife

National Science Week provides us with a chance to discover a local urban success story. Geography Victoria is offering a fieldtrip with local restoration and environmental specialists exploring the challenges, successes and opportunities of managing our urban environment. Our three focus areas will be:  * The community-driven rewilding and transformation of the former Elsternwick golf course in North…

Water, wetlands and wildlife

National Science Week provides us with a chance to discover a local urban success story. Geography Victoria is offering a fieldtrip with local restoration and environmental specialists exploring the challenges, successes and opportunities of managing our urban environment. Our three focus areas will be:  * The community-driven rewilding and transformation of the former Elsternwick golf course in North…

Water, wetlands and wildlife

National Science Week provides us with a chance to discover a local urban success story. Geography Victoria is offering a fieldtrip with local restoration and environmental specialists exploring the challenges, successes and opportunities of managing our urban environment. Our three focus areas will be:  * The community-driven rewilding and transformation of the former Elsternwick golf course in North…

Science Week at Macclesfield Primary School

For the 2023 theme of Innovation: Powering Future Industries we have Megan Volta from For the Love of Science coming in to help us run a series of activities and events each day.  The following activities will run across the week, with all students involved. Some of these activities will run as opt in events,…

Citizen Science Apps: How and why you should use them

Join us for an exciting event that explores the fascinating world of citizen science apps. Apps like iNaturalist and eBird are great tools for learning about the flora and fauna around us, and can also be used to record observations. Discover the incredible potential of these apps for identifying things in the field and learn…

The Drag Experiment

The Drag Experiment is the show of the year for drag lovers, science nerds, and all folks across the LGBTQIA+ and STEM spectra. Headlined by four phenomenal people who are scientists by day and drag performers by night. You’ll be dazzled with show stopping drag performances interwoven with scientific concepts and research. Hosted by Dr…