Science Fair Extravaganza

The concept will be to engage the wider community and have students from North Cottesloe Primary School present to a range of stakeholders, fellow students, staff, parents and the local community. Our Science Fair Extravaganza will involve students from Year 1 to Year 6.  The event will include students presenting their findings to all stakeholders…

Future Science Talks: Comedy Edition

Future Science Talks: Comedy Edition returns for National Science Week after three sold-out shows at the Sydney Comedy Festival. Each show features six scientists who have partnered with comedians to bring laughter to their science talks. Laugh and learn at the same time. Just how much alcohol consumption really is good for us? Can science…

Science Alive Show – Very Strange Stuff

Celebrate National Science Week with Science Alive’s fantastic show all about Very Strange Stuff. Explore the materials that make up our world: adventures with liquids, solids and gases, flying teabags and huge bubbles. For children aged 4 years and over, accompanied by an adult.

Friends of the Fitzgerald River National Park – Weekend in the Fitzgerald Biosphere

The Friends of the Fitzgerald River National Park are inviting members for a weekend to visit Bush Heritage and Nowanup properties to learn Noongar culture and local eco-restoration efforts to celebrate national Science Week – the country’s week-long celebration of all things STEM (science, technology, engineering, maths).  Event details Cultural walk with Uncle Eugene Eades…

Great Glossy Count Training Workshop – Sunshine Coast

Join like-minded bird-lovers to learn how to locate and identify Glossy Black-Cockatoos and their feed trees in the wild. Eric Anderson from Birdlife Southern Queensland will present information about Glossy Black-Cockatoo identification and ecology. Participants will also have the opportunity to sign on to the second annual Great Glossy Count which will be held on…

The New Sciences of Sex and Reproduction | Challis lecture in Philosophy

New developments in biomedical science have disrupted the formerly tight links between biology and our social practices of categorising people as male and female, parent and child. The School of Humanities at the University of Sydney will be joined by the ABC’s Big Ideas for this public lecture with: Paul E. Griffiths, Challis Professor of…

STEAM Careers Online Forum: Innovation & Future Industries

This is a careers forum with purpose. Each semester, Science Gallery Melbourne introduces school students to inspiring people who work to solve some of our most pressing global and local challenges that we as a community face.   Students will hear not only about career journeys and industry connections, but how these professionals work across…

WA Museum Virtual School Program

Join us this National Science Week to hear directly from the museum’s collections and research staff online with a series of free talks and suggested activities for school students. Register your interest now, and we’ll send you a link to the talks and resources the week before National Science Week, so you can access them…

BrisScience: The power of compost

There’s much to be gained from recycling organic wastes. While gardeners appreciate them in the veggie patch, at the global scale, compost has the power to boost food production and mitigate climate change. The ancient technology of composting uses microbes to convert diverse organic wastes into more stable organic matter. Used with scientific precision in…