Orienteering and map reading offered as one of the activities visiting remote schools will undertake during their two-day festival. In previous years activities have included sports as well as STEM topics such as Earth Science and Health. Students will learn about the science behind map making and what maps are used for before doing some orienteering…
Topic: Environment and Nature
Using Ancient Knowledge for Environmental Sustainability, Healthcare and Cultural Revitalisation
In this webinar, you will hear from the fully Indigenous owned organisations Native Secrets and South Coast Seaweed and how they are working to revitalise customary knowledge on natural resources and extend on this knowledge in innovative ways leading to positive impacts for our environment and for healthcare. They will share examples of the customary…
Science Show and STEM activities
Students will attend a science show at our local high school and will participate in STEM activities in classrooms throughout the week. They will also participate in daily STEM activities in classrooms with a focus on living things. STEM boxes will be created for each class to facilitate these activities.
Hillcrest PS Future Focused Festival
A showcase of the STEM inquiry project work being explored in Year 1 to 6 STEM, Sustainability and Media Arts specialist classes and in classrooms. This all-day exhibition will enable students to learn about exciting projects occurring throughout the school, and is opening up to parents and the school community in the afternoon. Examples of…
Explore Science in the Museum: A free participatory workshop on science and cultural heritage
Join us at the Chau Chak Wing Museum to explore the world of colours in art, various types of film & plastics, liquids in museums and plants. Scientists from Sydney Analytical and the School of Physics from the University of Sydney will be showing live demonstrations of scientific equipment and how different techniques can provide…
Science Together for the 20th anniversary of the Reef Guardian Program
A regional convention for National Science Week, Science Together for the 20th anniversary of the Reef Guardian Program at the Bundaberg Multiplex. Teachers, stall holders and the community will: further develop their science knowledge learn about conservation and protection of the Great Barrier Reef through special guest speakers engage in hands-on activities designed to inspire…
Megafauna at Yulara School
Two staff members (Drs Adam Yates and Sam Arman) will present at Yulara school on the morning of 16 August on the topic of megafauna and the science of uncovering the ancient past. Two sessions will be held, the first from 8.40 – 9.20AM for secondary learners, and 9.30 – 10.30 AM for primary school….
Oh boy, here comes El Niño
Don’t let the cute names fool you: El Niño (‘the little boy’) and La Niña (‘the little girl’) can have devastating impacts. These oscillating phases of a massive ocean-atmosphere interaction strongly influence Australia’s year-to-year climate variability, driving floods, droughts, and bushfires. How will global warming affect this planetary system? Dr Josephine Brown and Ruby Lieber…
Wollongong University’s Design a T-shirt Competition
The University of Wollongong is delighted to announce that entries for the Design a T-shirt Competition are open. The competition is for children in Years 3-8 (Stages 2, 3 & 4) to help celebrate the National Science Week theme of Innovation: Powering Future Industries. The theme incorporates the advancement in technology in all industries, especially…
Time Detectives: Cold Case
Archaeologists are time travellers. We use the everyday items of the past to build portals through time and space; windows through which we can view landscapes thousands of years old and the people and cultures that they supported. We analyse these everyday items through an ever-increasing array of scientific techniques to explore questions such as…